Chapter Fifty-Five

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We turned into Phil's new office to find the rest of the team. Everyone had similar reactions to Fitz when they saw us holding hands, and it was nice to be all together again. After filling each other in on the goings-on while we were separated, Grant asked to talk to Coulson alone. He agreed, and the rest of us headed out.

Before I left, I pulled Grant into a hug.

"It'll be okay," I whispered. "Just tell the truth, and please don't be too hard on yourself. You are absolutely a good man."

He hugged me tighter, but didn't say anything. I wished there was something more I could do for him, but I just had to put my trust in Grant and Phil that they would work everything out okay.

I left the room, not feeling great as I closed the door behind me. I turned around to come face to face with someone I didn't recognize.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

"Uh... I think that's my line."

"No, no way. I know everyone on this base. If you're not authorized, then we're gonna have a problem."

I honestly jerked backwards I was so shocked. This dude was a solid foot shorter than me, and he didn't look like a fighter. He wasn't a member of the team and he honestly made Fitz look menacing, but he was still trying to threaten me.

"I think we might already have a problem," I said, eyebrows furrowed. The guy rocked back on his heels, like he was getting ready for a fight, but before he or I could take a swing, Skye came around the corner.

"Samantha, where- oh, hey Koenig. Samantha, we're all in the kitchen. What are you still doing in here?"

"Koenig wanted to start a fight."

"She refused to identify herself!"

"He's the one who's never been on Coulson's team!"

"Alright, stop it you two! Samantha, Agent Koenig was left in charge of the base before we got here. He's pretty... security conscious. And Koenig, this is Agent Slater. We've been waiting for her for a while."

"Oh. Well then, welcome. I guess we don't have a problem, as long as you don't break any rules."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. I just smiled and offered my hand for a handshake, which Koenig accepted.

"I'm going to go get everyone's lanyard screening set up." With that, he strutted back off down the hallway.

"He's certainly... interesting," I noted.

"Yeah, but he's a pretty cool guy overall," said Skye. "C'mon, there's food in the kitchen."

I tried to eat something, but I didn't have much of an appetite. Phil and Grant had been talking for a long time, and I was getting nervous.

"Everyone, listen up," called Koenig, who had materialized in the room. "You will follow me down to our lie detector. You will be asked a series of questions. If you pass, you will be given a lanyard. If you fail..."

He just patted a gun at his hip and let us fill in the blank.

I rolled my eyes, but started moving with the rest of my team. When we got down to the room with the mega lie-detector, Phil and Grant were there, too.

"Hey," I said, moving to stand with Grant. "Everything okay?"

He nodded. "Coulson wasn't quite as crazy as you, but after a pretty candid conversation we came to an understanding."

I nodded. I looked over at Phil, and he waved me over. I gave Grant a nudge, then headed towards Phil.

"Let's talk," said Phil, heading out of the hallway everyone was in. Koenig was explaining the lie-detector, and I honestly wasn't sad to miss out on it. "Agent Ward told me you already know everything."

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