15. Please

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a/n im real confused it might just be the BBMAS but i got barely any reads on my last chap? whatever i like writing :D plz dont h8 me :||||

"I think I love you." jimin said softly. Jungkook couldn't even speak he was so shocked.

What was he supposed to say? He loved Taehyung. He knew he loved Taehyung. But how coulld he let Jimin down easily?

"Jimin I-" Jungkook stopped for a second.

"Yes?" Jimin answered, full of hope.

"I can't say that I never felt anything back in high school when I fucked you, b-but... I don't think I feel the same... I love Taehyung..." Jungkook said apologetically. 

Tears started running down from Jimin's eyes.

"N-no.. Please... I'll be 100 times better than he can. Remember how he acted with the baby? He didn't even want her at first. I completely accepted you when you told me..." Jimin started to ramble and plead.

"J-Jimin please don't make this so hard to do.." Jungkook tried to explain.

Jimin got up and ran out the door, leaving Jungkook alone on the couch.


Jimin's POV

I should've never said anything. I just made everything more complicated. I'm such a fucking idiot. I said too myself as I ran out the door.

He said he felt something when he had sex with me in high school, so at least it wasn't just me. (quick a/n: who wants me to write that scene?)

I walked down the streets. I wasn't going anywhere. I just couldn't be near Jungkook. 

I can't go back to our apartment. Where will I stay?

Oh. Of course. I'll stay with my step-sister Lee Chaelin. She's the coolest. (a/n sorry not sorry that i love CL so much)


Narrators POV-

"Ch-Chaelin?" Jimin said knocking on her door, still crying.

She opened the door.

"What's with the real name talk- Oh my gosh! Jiminie why are you crying?" Chaelin said comfortingly. She knew something was very wrong because he usually calls her by her nickname, CL. She hugged Jimin and walked him over to the couch.

They sat.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked. He nodded.

"Noona... I-I..." He tried to speak but he just cried harder.

"Ah...Jiminie... Talk to me.." She said in her voice as smooth as honey.

"Y-you knew I had f-feelings for Jungkook in h-high school..." Jimin started, taking little breaths to sob. She nodded.

"I-I told h-him.." Jimin sobbed out.

"And he didn't feel the same I assume..." Chaelin said sofly. Jimin nodded and covered his face with his hands.

"My poor baby.." She said, hugging him tightly. Chaelin and Jimin were very close for step-siblings. They were more like best friends.

"I-I don't have a-anywhere to g-go Noona.." Jimin spoke.

"You can stay here with me for as long as you need. Rejection sucks. I've experienced it all." Chaelin explained. It made Jimin feel a bit better.

"It's late. I'll text Taehyung about your things-" Chaelin was cut off by Jimin.

"NO! Don't text Taehyung! Call Yoongi instead!" Jimin pleaded. Chaelin was shocked at his begging.

 "Oh- okay. Um - Your room is in there." She said, pointing to a door. He followed her finger and walked into the room.

And that night, Jimin cried himself to sleep.

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