18. C-Come Again?

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a/n i love- you so much- you are- amazing! plz share this story guys i want it to do well!

Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about that night in high school now. He thought about Jimin and how he confessed his love and Jungkook felt like shit. He hadn't told Taehyung yet because he knew that he would have to tell him about how they had sex. Who could he talk to? Then he got an idea.

He could talk to the baby.

"Baby, what do I do?" He asked. She kicked in response which made him smile a bit. Jungkook thought at that moment that Jimin hadn't come home. He wondered where he was. Maybe he wouldn't come back. Maybe Jungkook had ruined their relationship as friends by rejecting his confession. It wasn't all Jungkook's fault though. Jimin confessed in the first place even though he knew that Jungkook was dating Tae AND he was pregnant. He has called Jimin about 7 times after he left, but no answer.

Taehyung has been working a lot lately and hasn't seen Jungkook since before the confession. It's a good thing though. Jungkook was a mess. He cried over it because he didn't realize it sooner, maybe he could've been with him before if he told him. He did love Taehyung though, and his mind and heart were set on him.

"I'm finally home Kookie!" Taehyung exclaimed as he walked through the door.

"Tae! Hi!" Jungkook said, scrambling to wipe his tears.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asked.

"N-nothing! Mood swings!" Jungkook lied.

"Baby I know when you have mood swings. This ain't it. You are genuinely sad, what happened?" He asked.

"Nothing Tae! I'm fine!" He yelled. Taehyung was obviously shocked by this response. He sat down on the couch with Jungkook.

"I thought we would tell each other everything." Taehyung said sincerely.

"Well maybe telling each other everything could hurt other people..." Jungkook mumbled.

"What?" Taehyung said, barely hearing Jungkook's statement.

"I didn't say anything!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Jungkook, baby, I know you are sad. It hurts me that I can't help. Is it about the baby? Is she healthy? Oh-god is there something wrong?" Taehyung worried.

"N-no she's fine." Jungkook said. Taehyung sighed in relief.

"Then what is it?" Taheyung asked once more.

"J-Jimin said he loved me...." Jungkook said very softly.

"C-Come again?"

a/n ahhhh this chapter made me want to diiiiieeee insiiiiide hhahahhaha

your local soccer mom,


no jk,

ELISE~ (^^)

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