16. Mess

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poor jimin :(

guys i ran in a school election and i lost ahahah :'D

Jimin woke up with a throbbing headache. Crying really hurts your head sometimes. He found some Advil in the guest bathroom and took two. He walked into the kitchen, clothes from last night still on. He sat down at the white table.

"Ah.. Sleeping beauty is finally awake." A voice said from by the stove. It was Chaelin, flipping pancakes. He looked at the clock. It was 10:36

"I thought you didn't cook, CL." Jimin said.

"Hey just because I don't doesn't mean I can't." She said, flipping another pancake.

"And hey, I see your spirits are up enough to call me by my nickname again." She said, plating a pancake and putting it in front of him.

"Yeah I guess..." He said groggily, wiping the little crusties from his eyes. He really wanted to go out and get his mind off of Jungkook.

He started to eat his syrup covered pancakes. They were really good, but they didn't help his mood. Food can't fix everything every time.

Jimin wondered how Jungkook felt at the moment. He was probably laughing about how a pathetic loser like Jimin could be worthy of a precious bunny like him. He probably told Taehyung and they probably both laughed and are making out right now. He will probably tell his unborn baby the story of the Jimin That Couldn't.

Once Jimin finished his pancakes, he went back into his room to cry some more.

Chaelin frowned at the boy as he walked into his room. Realization hit Chaelin and she dropped the pan she was washing.

Isn't Jungkook pregnant?

Chaelin picked up the pan and put it in the sink. She then walked over to Jimin's closed door. She was hesitant to knock, but she did lightly.

"Jiminie?" She said. No answer.

"Jimin?" She repeated. No answer.

"I'm coming in." She said, opening the door softly. She saw no one in the room and suspected that Jimin was in the bathroom. She simply waited, and waited.


An hour had passed and she finally heard little muffled sobs coming from the bathroom.

"J-Jimin! Are you okay? Don't do anything stupid!" Chaelin yelled. She knew he was not taking a shit.

The sobs became louder. She knew that he would not let her in. She took the spare key from the cabinet and opened the door.

"Jimin!" She said, shocked.

Jimin was sitting in the middle of the floor with a razor in his hand and blood on his arm. 

Lots of blood.

"Jimin why?" She questioned, sitting down on the ground with him to help clean up the mess.

He was a mess.

"I-It took away the pain..." He simply said, letting her wipe away the blood from his cuts. He winced at the pressure.

"God, Jimin if you want something to take your mind off of your situation why can't you just got to the strip club or something?"

And that's just what he did.

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