Themed Characters: Cyborgs

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• She thought of it as a remember of what she failed to do. She opened his right hand, watching the red metal. She felt her frown deepen.

• He couldn't believe he was thinking this, but he was happier than before. Looking at his body, despite the scars and the traces of metal he could see scattered about, all he could think about was that he'd improved.

• They hated it; the fact they had to charge their arm to get access to the cool stuff was the worst.

• They were still getting used to their strength. The crushed doorknob was enough evidence to prove that fact to anyone.

• She looked in the mirror and wondered if she could make her left eye more realistic. At least it could take pictures.

• "I'm not a robot. I can feel," he insisted, playfully.

• They knew they probably shouldn't be using their leg for this. They stuck a spoon to their knee anyway and watched it stay in its place.

• "It's a classic joke," they said, waving the hand around, in their other hand. "It's definitely worth the three hours it'll take getting it put back on."

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