Autumn Inspired Prompts

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- You're a vampire and I'm a witch, we both go to this private school in New England that has a small population of supernatural students. We meet because I need a vile of vampire venom for a potion and my demon best friend said you're the person to talk to.

- We go to a school for supernatural beings and you're the cutest witch I've ever seen but you're kind of intimidating.

- I'm a fairy and my parents told me to never get myself involved with a witch but you're so sweet and kind and not anything like I was told about witches.
We're both from ancient supernatural families and our kinds hate each other but to end the centuries of fighting we are to be wed.

- There our seven lines of ancient witches referred to as the Seven Devil, there are certain alliances amongst the families and certain feuds. One night a whole line is whipped out, they were an ally of my line an enemy of yours. You're suspected of being apart of the killings but I can prove you're innocence. The only problem is our lines are enemies as well and my family advises me not to because it'll give our line more power. (Bonus: My line was actually behind whipping out the line because they were power hungry and framed your line)

- I'm a witch and one night while I'm walking home I'm murdered by someone or something unknown. But a few day later I wake up in the morgue. I got my friend who says that I was saved due to vampire venom in my system, vampire venom in small amounts can slowly heal someone but they'll appear dead until they've made a full recovery. I try to find the vampire who saved me and find you. You tell me you found me bleeding out, near death on the side of the road while you were walking into town so you bit me to save me. (Bonus: You help me find the person or thing that tried to kill me)

- I'm a witch and there's a witch hunter in town and he's been following me around for the last few days. One day he corners me in the woods near town while I was collecting ingredients for a potion and tried to kill me but you come out of nowhere and save me by killing him. We make eye contact before you run into the woods. Who are you and why did you save me?
I'm a werewolf and have some serious anger issues and you're a witch who makes theses amazing calming potions with lavender and every time I come in to buy some you me a free lavender candle and every time I light it I'm instantly calm and can't stop thinking about you.

- I just transferred to this private school and all the students talk about the werewolves who roam the forest that surrounds the school for miles, some are even rumored to attend the school. I don't believe them because wolves are common in this area and werewolves obviously aren't real. But then one night decide to go for a walk in the woods because it's a full moon and there's a light fog so how can I resist and I'm pretty damn sure the cute person from my history class just turned into a wolf, what the hell?
You and your friends are rumored to be descendants of supernatural beings and you're pretty well liked by everyone but everyone's also kind of afraid of you. Of course most people don't believe in the supernatural, but I've seen somethings and I'm pretty sure not only are the rumors true but there's way more to it.

- Your a descendant from a famous alleged supernatural being and I'm doing a report on them and how it's affected your family. You agreed to let me interview and after doing a lot of research I realize that you're not a descendant of that person but are in fact that person who's been alive after all these years.
We're best friends, I'm a vampire and you're a witch. Shenanigans ensue.
I'm a powerful ancient witch and you're a vampire who I've loved for several centuries but you're murdered by one of my enemies. I'm now consumed with finding a way to bring you back to life and back to me. I have never been a cruel witch but in this time I am ready to do anything and everything to get my way.

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