Enemies turned lovers prompts

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"It's hard to remember we aren't in a competition anymore."


"Do we like...hold hands now?"


"Sorry, this is just really different from our constant arguing."


"I didn't ever think we'd be here, like this."


Write about an angel being held captive in hell who falls in love with a demon.


"I don't fall in love with people very often, I just can't believe it was you. Out of everyone, you just had to steal my heart. That's very rude, you know, to steal?"


An angel sent to destroy the one prophesied to bring the world's destruction falls in love with them instead.


Person A is from a rich family, intelligent and has a sharp tongue. One day, they snuck out to the poor district, curious. They met Person B, strong and independent, who clearly hates the people of the rich district. Not knowing Person A's real identity, they both became fast friends, running around on top of rooftops at night, stealing breads from vendors only to give them to the beggars and telling each other stories while laying side by side in the flower meadow.


"I keep forgetting that we got over this ages ago."


"Isn't it strange to think that just a while back, we were always fighting?"


"I don't even remember why were fighting."


"We still have issues to work around, but we'll get over it."


"I'm trying to decide if this thing I did is incredibly stupid or...""What happened? What did you do?""Well...I fell in love with you."


"You know nothing about me.""Oh, but I do. I know you want adventure, that's why you're here standing in front of me. You want to rebel like everyone else. You want mystery in your life, passion, romance... and maybe even a little danger."


"This should be against some sort of rule."


"How could this happen? They're so...so pure. Ugh."


"They're kind to everyone, even me. I guess that was my weakness all along."
"All I ever wanted was for someone to respect me. When they did exactly that, I knew I was doomed."


"Please don't say you love me."
"You know I can't say it, but surely you understand how I feel?"

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