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The entire city is experiencing a power cut so Person A and Person B spend the night laying in the grass together and staring up at the stars (which are much more visible than usual due to the power cut.)

Person A and Person B are eating dinner at a fancy restaurant when the restaurant suddenly loses power.

Person A and Person B decide to tell each other scary stories to pass the time during a power outage. They end up really freaking themselves out but it's not like they can just turn the lights back on.

The power goes out so Person A and Person B try to make the best of the situation by building a blanket fort, playing card games, etc. They end up having so much fun that they don't even notice the electricity coming back on until a couple of hours later.

Person A is afraid of storms and Person B is afraid of the dark. One night a massive thunderstorm hits causing their house, along with the entire neighborhood, to lose power and go completely dark.

Person A trying to pour Person B a glass of wine/water/etc in the dark and spilling it everywhere because they can't see what they're doing.

Person A and Person B are co-workers. One day halfway through their shift, the whole building loses electricity so their boss gives them both the rest of the day off. Person A and Person B decide to go get lunch together and spend the rest of their day off hanging out.
Person A is really excited to watch a new episode of their favorite tv show. Moments before the episode starts, the power goes out. Person A frantically calls Person B and begs them to let them come over and watch it at their house. Even though Person B absolutely despises the tv show in question, they tell Person A to hurry over. Person A gets there just in time and they both watch the show together.
Person A and Person B take shelter in their basement during a storm. They're both already a bit uneasy because the basement is creepy as hell, but it only gets worse when a power outage hits and everything is completely dark.

The power cuts while Person A is playing video games and Person B is reading a book. Person B continues reading (using the light of a flashlight or candle, of course) but Person A is super bored and won't stop complaining about it. Feeling very annoyed, Person B flips back to page 1 of their book and begins reading it out loud to hopefully entertain Person A. After a few chapters, the power comes back on but Person A is so engrossed in the story that they convince Person B to continue reading the rest of it to them.

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