Themed Characters: Demons

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• Their skin was inky. As they walked, it dripped onto the floor, leaving puddles behind them.

• It was dangerous to get this close to them, but from a couple feet away, he could see six different colors in their eyes.

•  She could see them from the corner of her eye, everyday. The glimpses had her heart racing in her chest.

• They were unusually large, with a spiked tail that reminded them of a rose stem covered in thorns.

• They had yet to get a hang of modern clothes and the strange combination showed that clearly. Did they think that orange matched those purple pants?

• She was danger wrapped in the body of a small child with soft golden hair. When she grinned, they could see that her teeth on the bottom row were a lot sharper than the top row.

• He took pleasure in changing his form from conventionally attractive to something not so. Seeing how human nature changed their behavior towards him was truly fascinating.

• They lounging in the living room of their target's house, enjoying the exasperation as they toyed with modern technology.

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