Specific Setting Ideas

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1. Deserted gas station at 2AM

2. Church tucked away on the edge of town with only a glowing cross to light it up

3. Liquor store with a few high school kids buying stuff for a house party

4. At the drive-thru late at night trying to figure out your order/everyone in the car's order

5. Hospital waiting room in the early hours of the morning

6. Birthday party with a bad clown and kids covered in cake and snot

7. Basketball court on a block with a bunch of ratty apartment buildings

8. Dark alleyway with only a lone street lamp light at the mouth of the alley

9. Bench/hill in the middle of the park as the sun starts to come up

10. Cluttered basement with a beat-up couch and an old TV

11. Sunny, warm enclosed porch on the back of someone's house

12. Quiet field of flowers in the middle of a wooded area

13. Snowy mountain trail with black ice no one notices

14. Dark stretch of road without street lamps at 3 AM

15. Rooftop in the middle of the day
Driving through heavy fog early in the morning where you feel like you're the only one awake

16. On top of a giant dune in the middle of the desert with a hot breeze that never cools anyone down

18. Teenagers playing Marco Polo in a store

19. Covered bridge at the edge of town

20. Abandoned building that other teenagers explore

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