Chapter 1

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Picture of Julian

Julian's P.O.V

"Your coronation is in two days are you excited?" My mother asks as she plates my food with a vegetarian breakfast.
Yes I'm a vegetarian werewolf, I know laugh it up. I just don't enjoy the animalistic act of tearing apart our meal limb by limb like the rest of my pack. It was messy and after seeing it a few hundred times, it became impossible to eat even cooked meat.

"I would be if I wasn't sharing it with that imbecile." I mutter pouring myself a cup of orange juice.

"You need to end this petty feud with Aiden." She says with a sigh.

"It's not a petty feud." I retort feeling my usually dormant anger rising. "He tormented me for years. He cut off my hair!"

"It grew back!" She shouts back with a smirk playing on her thin lips, "it may have taken a while, but it grew back. And don't you dare pull the torment card, you got him back for that in middle school."

"I still want to see his head on a plank." I growl, my wolf howling in agreement. She lets out a breath of obvious exhaustion before making her way over to me.

"Julian you are my only son and soon to be the alpha of our pack. You deserve it in more ways than one and I know you will be one of the greatest alphas this pack has ever seen with that brain of yours. Don't let your hatred for that boy lead to your demise." She says kissing my forehead. "You know how badly your father wants to see you become alpha as well as his best friend's son, so just endure it please."

"I'll try." I mutter making her smile widely. "I'll see you at the hall later." I say as a grab my bag and keys. Throwing my stuff in the passenger seat, I slide into my car before pulling out the driveway of our pack house. My school wasn't far so I didn't bother to put on any music as I pulled onto the highway, my mind running rampant with the million and one ways this coronation could end disastrously.

There is only one person on this planet that I hate and that is the incompetent, idiot known as Aiden Calderon.

The guy is a walking disaster that will most likely start World War 3. He never thinks before he acts, he just does whatever he feels like doing in the moment. If he felt like attacking a rogue pack which had done him no wrong, he would, if he felt like killing someone who threatened him he would and if he felt like streaking the town butt naked he would.
I've literally known the boy since birth, we were born on the same day at the same time thanks to the brilliant planning of our parents. Our fathers were best friends, the type that would do just about everything together. They wanted Aiden and I to be best friends it was their dream, so they put us together in almost every situation they could, but that was just disastrous in the end. For the first eight years of my life, Aiden made my life a living hell. The constant beatings and devilish pranks molded me into a timid, pushover and that's how I remained until he cut off my hair, all of it. It snapped something in me that day and the tables were turned. I had my fun for an equal eight years until we were finally equals who couldn't overpower the other. So now we lived in quite mutual hatred with less violent acts.

I knew it killed my dad to see us this way but I couldn't help it, the boy brought out a rage in me that no one else could. So when they announced a joint coronation I was more than livid, the day I was to become alpha and meet my mate would be tarnished with the presence of that dimwit.
The thought alone brought a thick bile up my throat that was hard to swallow.

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