Chapter 52

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Picture of Katerina

Aiden's P.O.V

"I really hope this worked." I say leaning on the wall of the warehouse watching Julian's sleeping form. Max pushed me back forward only to find a sleeping Julian, I tried talking to him to find out what happened but he was in no mood to talk. I could feel him like usual so I knew he was fine or as fine as could be since I came to with tears running down my face.

"We'll see." Katerina mumbles next to me. She came to check on Julian's mental state and stuck around for some reason, Oliver disappeared. not that anyone cared.

"So what did you do to get kicked out your covenant?" I ask trying to make conversation with a witch of all people.

"Why do you assume I was kicked out? I could've left." She says raising an eyebrow.

"Well did you leave?" I ask.

"Lol, fuck no. They kicked me out." She saying laughing as I roll my eyes.

"What'd you do?" I ask trying to feed my curiously as well as settle my nerves that were growing each passing moment Julian stayed asleep.

"Power makes you the strongest." She says growing a rose from thin air as she caresses the petals gently. "I got powerful, so I became the strongest." She says as the flower literally floats above her palm and spins slowly. "Then I got too powerful." She says as the rose stops and shakes slightly. "And I didn't know what to do with all that power. So I tried to lock it up." She whispers as the petals burn off one by one. "Then one day, it got out." The flower turns to ash and falls to the ground as she tucks her hand back into her pocket.

"That doesn't really answer my question." I say making her chuckle. "So how do you control all that magic now?"

"I don't." She says with a smirk. "I'm just rejuvenating before I go back to wipe out my lovely covenant."

"You sneaky little minx." I say gasping in realization. "You're drawing power from the rogues."

"I hope you can keep a secret Aiden." She says with a finger over her lips as she walks away. "If you need my services again just say Kat."

"I thought you hated that name."

"I do, that's why it'll work." She says in a duh tone.

"Hey Kat!" I call making her turn with rage filled eyes. "Let me know when you're going all ballistic on your covenant, I need to let off some steam."

"Will do." She says with a smirk before leaving the warehouse. I head over to Julian not wanting to be in the rogue infested territory longer than necessary, I pick him up carefully as I leave the warehouse walking to the first person I see.

"Tell Oliver bye for me would you?" I ask the rogue which snarled at me but nodded. "And get yourself a fucking toothbrush. What the fuck."

I walk out the pack and make my way through the woods on foot, I was just grateful the sun was still up. I look down at my sleeping mate praying to Goddess that he was okay and so was Alex. I press a kiss to head making him mewl before snuggling into my chest. I smile to myself as I continue to walk.

"Alpha?" Someone at the gate says in surprise as I make my way to our pack entrance with tired legs.

"Yeah, open up please." I say not really I'm the mood for reunions.

"What happened? You smell like rogues? What's wrong with Alpha Julian." He continues to question masking me groan.

"I thought I told you to open the gate." I growl making him gulp.

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