Epilogue #1

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-------Six Years Later--------

Julian's P.O.V

"Levi! Damon! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" I shout loudly as I pack their lunch kits. Levi comes rushing down the stairs of our new home with his curly hair a complete and utter mess. "We're cutting that hair this weekend." I say as he slides onto the counter stool and starts stuffing his face with cereal.

"Okay." He says with a shrug.

"Where's your brother?" I ask looking up the stairs and back at the time, they were running late and we needed to be out in at least five minutes.

"That can't be a serious question." Levi says with a raised eyebrow, Damon was getting ready, of course. I've never met a kid so self absorbed as that boy was, he was only six and only cared about making sure he looked good.

"Damon! I will burn all your clothes if you don't get down here right now!" I shout loudly, the sound of hurried footsteps fill the house as he runs down the stairs before falling and landing flat on his face. The first time that happened I took him to the doctor to make sure he was okay, this was about the billionth time, he got up and dusted himself off before waddling into the kitchen as Levi handed him some cereal.

"Why must you take so long?" I question leaning on the counter as I watch the two eat.

"Time just goes. Whoosh." He says while chewing quickly on his food. Once they're done I rush them towards the car as I grab the keys.

"I'll be back soon!" I shout up to Aiden who just groans from bed, I smile to myself as I run after the boys to find Levi already seated and buckling in Damon and Amelia into their car seats. I slide in the driver seat looking next to me to see Emitt already waiting in the passenger seat, handing Amelia a toy to play with.

"If you have time to ride along with me every morning you could drop them some days while I sleep." I grumble as I pull out the driveway and make my way through the pack lands.

"It's more fun this way, we get to talk and bond." He says making me roll my eyes, I glance in the back to see Damon and Amelia chatting away while Levi reads silently to himself.

"Twenty bucks says their mates." Emitt says looking at his daughter and Damon.

"Fat chance." I say scoffing making him frown clearly offended. "Fifty says you're wrong."

"You're on." He says as we shake on it before he turns around to look at Levi. "So are you excited about your birthday?!"

"I'll be the same person I am right now. A few seconds won't change that, so why should I be excited about being a little older." He answers not looking up, his focus on the book before him.

"It was a yes or no question Levi." Emitt says scowling at the boy who looks up at him sensing his annoyed tone.

"I guess." He answers with a shrug before returning his attention to the book. Emitt turns back to me for an answer but I just shrug as we pull up to the elementary school pouring with kids, the same one Levi went to and now Amelia and Damon were going to.
They were doing well amongst humans and never made us worry, well Damon, yes.

"I'll see you later for the party." Emitt whispers getting out before taking the kids from the back seat. I wave them goodbye as Damon sends me an air kiss which I catch making him smile widely.
I drive off heading to Levi's school while he slides into the front seat, he closes the book as he lets out a breath. Even though he adored Emitt he still was very closed off to him, he still didn't know how to interact well with others and that was just the type of person he was. So he hid himself behind his work and books, when he was comfortable he'd return to the clingy, little Levi I knew well.
His birthday was today and we showered him earlier this morning with gifts but we're keeping the best for last tonight as his surprise birthday party.

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