Chapter 65

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Sorry bout the publish thing again.

I'm back home from my vacay, it was short but yeah.

Julian's P.O.V

"Stop touching my feet." I snap angrily at Aiden who'd insisted on giving me a foot massage even though it turned out he sucked at them.

"Sorry." He says nervously stepping away from the bed. "What can I get for you?"

"Nothing. Aiden, I'm fine. Just let me rest." I say as I sink back under the sheets of our bed. "Go to school, I'll be fine."

"Okay." He agrees finally before giving me a quick kiss and grabbing his bag before looking at me for the hundredth time to see if I'd change my mind.

"Aiden go!"

"Okay, okay." He says giving up before disappearing from my sight. I let out breath of exhaustion as I stare at the ceiling, contemplating what my life had become over the past few months.

I'm five months along and the kid's supposed to pop out next month, even though it feels like he'd be coming out any second now. My stomach was the size of two watermelons and I'd been banned from all things stressful, Aiden's orders. I refused to drop out of school, so we got my parents to make up some load of bullshit of a condition I had and now Aiden brought my assignments home for me and I corresponded with my teachers online.

Everyone knew now, telling them about it was probably the worst part of this whole pregnancy, it was the most awkward experience of my life to try and convince thousands that me, a man, was pregnant. No one believed us at first, no matter what we said, but then Aiden lifted up my shirt without permission for them to see the bump, those who still weren't convinced listened for the heartbeat and boom, they were believers.
It was a bumpy road amongst many but in time people had come to accept the situation and were excited about us having a kid. It's what they wanted an now they had someone to be the next alpha, Levi could never be the pack Alpha and that'd be a subject we'd have to sit him down and talk about when he was older.

Levi hasn't changed much over the last few months, well at least I think so, Aiden says he's getting better. The pack accepted him with open arms that he'd tried to bite, he didn't let anyone touch him besides Aiden and me. He's a quiet kid, but he talks more now which I see as a big accomplishment. Levi and Aiden have grown closer in their own little way, they clash heads a lot but I think it's cute because he's like a mini Aiden. When he wasn't with us, he was in the pack school that we were slowly integrating him into. He'd go on his good days and stay home when he really didn't want to go, it was more about him becoming a member of society than learning. He needed to start interacting with people besides us and so far he's been doing pretty good.

"Julian." I look across, following the voice, to find Levi in the doorway.
Even though we adopted him and he was our child now, he didn't call us dad or anything like that which we didn't mind. He was still yet to open up about his past and family so I didn't know how close he was with his parents. We told him he could call us whatever made him feel comfortable, so he had stuck with our names.

"Hey, did you just wake up?" I ask making him nod lazily. "Let me make you something to eat."

"It's okay, Aiden left food for me." He says quickly, he didn't like me doing anything when he found out I was pregnant. He accepted it without any questions, I think it's because he's young and doesn't realise that men usually don't take on the role of baby carrier. He didn't have much of a reaction either when we told him he'd have a baby brother, a bit of a smile but that was it.

Levi didn't have much of a reaction to anything. He always does exactly what he's told, he never complains about anything and he never misbehaves. I loved him the way he was, but I couldn't help but think that he wasn't truly being himself. He was being the perfect child and I believe it was his way of making sure that we'd never send him away.

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