The Wedding

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Hello humans, this is my gift to everyone as Alpha Mates recently won the Fiction Awards for Best Werewolf book. It was all thanks to you guys voting so hard so I wanted to give you guys a gift in the only way I could imagine.

I hope you enjoy and once again, thank you so much.


Julian's P.O.V

I let my eyes chase my reflection in the mirror, studying every inch of the tailor-made tuxedo that caged my racing heart within it. 

It was white, just like I wanted, with black lining the edges of the lapels, like marks drawing you home from the sea of white. The material felt soft against my fingertips, soft and perfect as I palmed the vest, trying to smooth out non-existent creases.

Rarely did I style my hair, but today I did. The front strands were tied back in a neat bun while the rest of my hair caressed my shoulders now in loose curls that Emitt had done for me. My features stood out like this, my jaw seeming harder, sharper. The two single golden locks that had escaped the bun now cradling my face, the only thing keeping me from feeling exposed. My eyes seemed brighter in the mirror, somehow looking bluer against the white tux and blonde hair.

I smile softly at my reflection, unable to keep it from growing as the weight of what was happening settled inside of me.

I was getting married today. 

It seemed surreal, like a fantasy I'd allowed myself to dream up for too long and didn't want to leave. Marriage was always Aiden's thing, from my earliest memories I knew it was what he wanted. 

He always wanted a wedding, a big and beautiful wedding where he would have everyone he knew witness the greatest day of his life. Even through all the years of mutual hatred, he'd spoken about how he wanted to watch as the love of his life walked down the aisle, towards him and once they reached him - he'd never let them go.  

I never imagined I'd want so desperately to be that person, most werewolves didn't really partake in the act of marriage, there was seldom the need for weddings when the bond covered it already. I was always like that, happy with just the bond and nothing more.

But then Aiden had a ring and the most beautiful proposal falling from his lips and suddenly it was everything I ever wanted. 

"Julian, it's time." I turn at the sound of my Beckett's voice, heart immediately picking up at his words.

With his hair slicked back, he wore a dark, grey suit I knew Emitt was matching as well. He was with Aiden, his best man today as Beckett was mine - there was no other person suited for the role.

"None of that panicking," Beckett says leaving the door to close as he steps into the room, approaching me with an easy smile that always said; everything is going to be okay. "I can hear your heart trying to kill itself from here, it's a day to be excited for not to worry."

"I'm nervous," I explain, tugging at the ends of my suit to busy my hands. "Not worried, just nervous."

"Well that's natural, I would be worried if you weren't," Beckett jokes with a chuckle that easied my worries some. "But there's absolutely no need to be. You and Aiden are mates, there's nothing that'll ever change that."

I nod at his words, trying to let myself fall under their spell.

"Thanks, Beckett," I voice as I look up at him, my spirit filling with happiness at the sight of him. "Thanks for being here, for helping, for being my friend... for always being my friend, thank you."

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