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This is Emitt now🤤

Maximus' P.O.V

"We're going to be late! How long does it take to get ready?!" I groan angrily from the living room where I was seated with our bags surrounding us.

"Hold onto your ballsacks I'm here." Alex says strutting out with a gleaming smile.

"Come on." I say throwing some bags over my shoulder while he grabs the rest along with the cooler.

"I've never been to the beach before." He says excitedly while we stand in the descending elevator. "Well I have, in Julian or is it with Julian? Whatever, just not as me."

"Me neither." I say with a slight chuckle turning to look down on his jittery form. When I suggested going this weekend he basically exploded, smiling so widely I thought his face would tear. He looks up suddenly feeling my eyes on him, revealing those beautiful blue crystals I could look into all day.

"You're so obsessed with me." He says with a smirk before sliding his hand around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. I hum in delight as his lips send an electrifying current throughout my entire body, our lips move in sync as we slowly deepen the kiss. He pulls away suddenly before kissing the corner of my lips as the doors open up. I lick my numb lips as he picks up the cooler and walks out the elevator with a devilish grin. "Come on, we can't be late!"

"Wait til we get home tonight." I growl as I jog to catch up to him. 

"Now you got my hopes up." He says cheekily as we exit the large doors towards the parking lot.

"What took you guys so long?!" Tobias shouts angrily from the driver's seat.

"Ask Alex." I say opening the already packed trunk to squeeze in our things.

"It's not a crime to want to look good." He says getting into the back seat where Christopher is already seated.

"But, you don't look good." Chris says plainly making Tobias and I snicker as Alex growls angrily before punching him in his shoulder. "That hurt."

"That's the point." Alex spits as Tobias pulls out the lot and makes his way through the pack lands. "Should you really be driving?"

"Beckett can drive, so I don't see why I can't." He says with a shrug as he swerves a little barely missing someone who was walking by.

"This'll be fun." Chris says sarcastically as he stuffs his ears with headphones.

"What's up with him?" Alex asks in a hushed whisper.

"He wanted to spend time with just us." Tobias says with a sigh. "But I decided to drag his antisocial ass out and now he's mad."

"So he's being a dramatic prick." Alex deadpans before taking out Chris' headphones and shaking him like a dog.

"What?!" He exclaims his eyes glowing a bright green in obvious anger.

"Stop pouting and enjoy time with us! The four of us, together again!" He says with such enthusiasm it was almost contagious. "This time Max and I aren't trying to kill each other, so let's have a good time."

"Just wipe that stupid smile off you're face." Chris grumbles with annoyance while his lips slowly tug into a smile.

"Why's he so happy?" Tobias asks quietly while Chris and Alex drift off into their own conversation.

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