Chapter 23

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I'll do a triple update in a couple days.

Julian's P.O.V

"No." Aiden says rushing over to me, he grabs my hand firmly as if holding onto me for support.

"Son." Micheal starts.

"Don't son me! I'm not going to allow us to be separated for two weeks!" He exclaims while tightening his grip on my hand.

"This heat will start next week, this week is the build up. It's the best for both of you." My father pipes in looking at us desperately.

"It's not. I won't let him go." He says firmly, the words causing my heart to flicker slightly.

"Julian, talk some sense into him." My mother says causing them all to look at me. My eyes trace over all of them and their different expressions, Aiden's being the most intense.

"We can't stay apart for an entire school day, we won't make it for two weeks." I say simply.

"Heats are complex. They bring forward your wolf's strength along with your usually controllable desires. It's worst for Alphas, you'll tear each other apart." Micheal says seriously.

"What is your solution? Keep us locked in the cellars for the two weeks?!" Aiden exclaims clearly letting his temper get the best of him.

"Yes." His mother says firmly.

"That's madness!" I zone out as Aiden dives into a full on rage filled, word attack on our parents.

Heats came to mates who hadn't mated yet. It basically lets your wolf take over and fulfill their animalistic desires until they physically couldn't anymore. It was dangerous and usually best to avoid, especially for Alphas. Their wolves were demanding, they wanted their mate and after being denied the ability to take them for so long, when the heat came around they'd have their way with them. An alpha and a human going into heat was supposed the worst possible pairing but two alphas in heat suggested something catastrophic.

"It's stupid to try and keep us apart." I say interjecting into the heated argument between Aiden and our parents. "As you said, we're both Alphas. If we escape the cellars, which we will, it'll end disastrously after being apart for so long. If we stay together and try to fight it, it'll be the same way."

"So what are you saying?" Aiden asks with a frown.

"It's pretty simple really. The Heat comes when mates don't complete the mating, so we do that. We mate before the heat starts." I say with a shrug, causing his eyes widen as do everyone else's.

"We're still figuring things out, I don't want to rush it." Aiden says taking my other hand will watching me with concerned eyes.

"It's better this way than when we're blinded by lust that's not really us." I say truthfully before glancing at my parents. "This way is fine right?"

"The full moon will still affect you but only as much as it would me. So, yeah. I guess so." My dad says awkwardly.

"Then it's settled, good night." I say before leading Aiden out after grabbing our things.
Aiden stays quiet all the way back home, he followed behind me without so much as a whisper. It wasn't until we were in the confines of the suite that he broke his silent streak.

"Julian I don't know how I feel about this." He says when I turn to face him, my eyes finally meet his own as he searched my eyes with his pain filled, dark ones.

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