Chapter 15

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Julian's P.O.V

Sleeping in felt beyond phenomenal. These past few days had been a continuous stream of work that had seemed never ending, I didn't want to leave the bed and I don't think I would for the day.

"Alright wake up." Aiden mutters making me groan as I clench onto him to keep him still. "You've kept me hostage for long enough, it's twelve Julian, I'm hungry."

"Whatever be selfish." I say shoving him off the bed as I replace him with a pillow.

"You little shit!" He grumbles, suddenly my body is being lifted making he yelp in surprise. I growl angrily when Aiden laughed while he placed me on his shoulder and started walking away from the bed.

"No!" I say looking at the distancing bed. I don't even try to escape, I was too lazy and wanted to sleep. He places me down in the kitchen on one of the stools before he starts walking around the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks as he pulls out some cereal for himself.

"Salmon!" I say immediately as I remember how good it tasted last night. It was like this while new world that I was now surely addicted to.

"You can't have salmon for breakfast." He says chuckling slightly.

"Why not?" I retort angrily

"Because you ate all last night!" He exclaims. "Did you forget how many time you made me keep making you more? Did you think we had a never ending supply?"

"Oh.." I say quietly.

"Oh." He mocks making me scowl. "You're having your stupid Lucky Charms."

"Why did you ask what I wanted if I didn't have a chose?" I ask as he shoves the box my way before handing me a bowl and the milk.

"I don't know, it's stupid to give you options." He mutters as he pours out his own cereal. When he's done I take the full bowl and throw the contents in his face. "And I'm the immature one?"

"Yes." I reply smiling contently at his face which was sparkling with bits of cinnamon and sugar.

"I'm going upstairs to wash my face." He mumbles as he walks around the kitchen island and disappearing, suddenly the milk disappears from next to me before I feel a cold liquid poor down my head and soak its way through my shirt. My mouth hangs opens as I turn slowly to see a smirking Aiden dangling the now empty carton of milk.

"Are we really going to do this?" I ask with a faint smile as I clear my wet hair strains from my face.

"I'd be disappointed if we didn't." He replies with a mischievous smile. I shove him away before rushing to the cupboards which he scrambles his way to the fridge. I knew flour would be the deadliest weapon in the following war, grabbing the brand new bag I burst it open as I climb on the counter tops for an advantage in height. He's still digging through the fridge while grab a nearby bottle of water pouring it on him before letting the flour do it's work as I unload it on his now soaking body. When the kitchen goes up in a cloud of white powder, I take my chance to push him away from the fridge, his figure disappearing in the clouds. I grab the first thing I could, which was eggs before running away, I was definitely winning this war.

"Are you scared?" I shout out after a while of some deafening silence. The fact that their was no sound or anymore movement made me extra nervous. The flour cloud was disappearing and Aiden was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for me." His voice says from behind me, before I could run he grabs my shirt shoving a cold substance dow my back. "You're favourite's Chocolate right? Enjoy." He says as he dumps it on my head.
When he tried to run, I ignore the chilly goodness running down my back and cheeks as I grab onto his arm as I crack one of the eggs straight across his face. While he's still in shock, I back up sending egg after egg at him laughing at him as he blocks pathetically.

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