Chapter 9

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Julian's P.O.V

Astronomy first period was probably the best part of Monday's for me, well that along with the fact that I had a free period after lunch. Smiling internally I lay out my books and materials at my usual desk, I was a little early so it was mostly empty.
Sitting back glancing around I felt the pull between Aiden and I push forward a little. It wasn't very painful, it was more like a reminder that was telling me to go to my mate, but I would just have to ignore it because school was more important than a compact need to be with my mate.
I was slipping these days and by slipping I mean I was going head first into the hurricane that was Aiden Calderon. I don't know when it started but slowly I've been letting things slide, I wouldn't talk back as much or make my usual comments because I knew they annoyed him. Why should I care if they annoyed him?! I did just about everything for him this morning, because I knew he was tired and I wanted to help, what kind of madness is that? I even let him hug me without pushing him away, because it felt so good. I loved it and I couldn't deny that, having him in my grasp was the best feeling I've ever had. Well after having him kiss my neck and lick me and rub hi....what the hell?!!?!!

Julian what the hell!!!

Great now I'm screaming at myself. At least I was able to get him to lay off during school, even though I crumbled at the end and basically begged him to meet me at lunch. My life has become an unrecognizable, unorganized mess of late.

"Can you repeat what I just said Mr.Heil?" My mind snaps out of my own thoughts as I focus on the voice which came from my astronomy teacher. Looking around I realize the class is full and they're a bunch of notes on the board.
When the hell did class start?

"Mr. Heil, please pay attention in my class. If I'm boring you feel free to leave." My teacher drags looking at me with disappointment.

"What? No. I just ca-"

"Moving on." He says ignoring me as he continues the class. Looking around desperately I quickly start scribbling down as much as I could in efforts to catch up. I can't believe I got in trouble, I never got called out in class, especially Astronomy. To make matters worse, it was because I was thinking about Aiden.

You see?! Slipping..


I left my Math class with my head hung low in shame, I didn't even write down one question and today they started a new topic. Once again my head was filled with thoughts of Aiden. But it was getting worse, I needed to be with him, I had this unexplainable, desperate urge to be with him and because I couldn't I was a fidgeting mess. I couldn't focus, work, listen, understand because all my brain would comprehend is Aiden. Sighing I head to my next class following behind Beckett and Isabel quietly, I could tell they were worried but I didn't have the time to comfort them about how I was feeling.

My heart started beating faster as we walked through the crowded hallway, the scent of Apple Cider and Pine Wood invading me nose. My mind malfunctioned momentarily as I searched for the source I needed desperately, my eyes shot up as they searched through the crowds of immature, teenage brats for one particular immature, teenage brat. I could tell by his scent that he was heading straight for me but he stopped, why did he stop? He turned and went in the next direction, my eyes spotting the top of his head just as he went around a corner disappearing from my sight and slowly his scent along with him.

I want my mate!


By the time lunch came around I felt like a crack addict that need their fix and Aiden was that fix. This was truly low, I felt lower that lower, to need that bastard so much was so reprehensible.
I sat in my usual seat at the lunch table with Beckett and Isabel, it had a perfect view of the lunch room entrance that never came in handy until today. I couldn't even eat my lunch, I didn't want to go look for him since that would look too desperate. He could never know how badly I wanted to see him, I think I'd rather die than let him know how desolate I become when I'm not with him.

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