Chapter 19

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Julian's P.O.V

"Would you like some tea?" My mother asks as she dances around my kitchen with Aiden's mom.

"Sure." I say as I glance at Aiden awkwardly, he gives me a weak smile as our fathers sit down on the chairs opposite us.

"So how was the vacation?" Aiden asks feigning joy.

"Do you seriously expect us to talk about the vacation after what we just saw?" My dad says with clear amusement, that made me want to crawl in a hole. I think your fathers catching you and your.....what ever Aiden was to me, making out in the hallway with him ripping your clothes off was probably the most embarrassing thing that could happen to you. I just thank Goddess our mothers were still in the car and didn't see.

"Yes I do and I expect you to forget what you saw." I say seriously hoping to Goddess they don't see the panic that was running through my body.

"Okay." Micheal whispers as our mothers come back smiling widely with cake and drinks, although my mom kept giving Aiden a death glare, strange...

"So how was the vacation?" Aiden asks again.

"Amazing! We went all over Europe, saw all the big sights and everything. They're surprisingly a lot of people who spoke English, we got lost a few times but it was fun anyway." My mother rambles on while the others snicker at the mention of getting lost.

"That's great." Aiden says sarcastically, I've been with the guy long enough to know he was angry that we didn't get to finish what we started in the woods.

"And you two? You're still alive so I'm guessing it's going well." Aiden's mother asks.

"They're doing excellent, very close." My father stretches, I shoot him a glare before returning my attention to my confused mom.

"We're doing fine mother, a few bumps but we're actually...." I glance quickly at a smiling Aiden. "...happy." I finish making our mothers and surprisingly, fathers, coo, I really wanted to kiss Aiden but our parents reactions wasn't something I wanted or needed.

"Well we'd love to chat some more, but we actually have to move into Julian's suite today so we should be going." Aiden says feigning sadness, our parents nod before giving us hugs and words of encouragement then leave. We both let out exhausted breaths, glancing at each other before breaking out into fits of laughter.

"I'm going to clear the fridge and cupboards, pack a bag with your stuff and mine please." I say stretching a little, before I can walk away he grabs my wrist twisting me towards him.

"You said please." He says with a growing smile while I watch him completely confused.

"Yeah..." I say narrowing my eyes. "I'll just go now." I say snatching my wrist away from his as I back away from his still smiling form. Deciding to ignore it I head to the kitchen, it doesn't take me long to finish so I head up to the room to see if Aiden's finished.

"Hey, what ever happened to your car?" He asks as soon as I enter the room.

"I sold it." I say with a shrug, leaning against the doorframe. "You almost done?"

"I am done." He replies while slinging a large bag over his shoulder. "Can you get the others?"

"Yeah." I say as I pick up the smaller ones that had our school supplies and pack information. When we get to the kitchen, he takes the bags with the food and we head out without a second glance. I liked it here but my suite was much better, so I would be lying if I said I wasn't more than happy to go.

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