Chapter 66

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This is it guys 😭😭😭

Their P.O.Vs change a bit through chapter, hope you don't mind.

The vote for posting all epilogues at once won so like yeah. You're only getting two because the third became very, very sexual. Like the whole thing is sex. If you still want it, I'll post it but yeah.

Aiden's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday!" Levi screams as he jumps on top of our bed, waking me up immediately. I pop my eyes open to see him sitting at the feet of our bed holding a giggling Damon on his hip. "I made breakfast so hurry up." He says before sliding off the sheets to leave the room, he stops suddenly putting Damon down carefully before running back to us. "And Happy Anniversary!" He says kissing my forehead and Julian's cheek before disappearing with Damon.

I look across to my beautiful mate to see him already looking at me with those beautiful, blue eyes and a wide smile. Julian pulls himself towards me before pressing his lips to mine, the connection immediately sending a million and one sparks between us. I kiss him back with a hum of satisfaction, pulling away once I'm satisfied.

"Happy Birthday." He says giving me a light peck, his eyes focusing on mine as he kept the distance between us to a minimum.

"Happy Birthday Jewels." I reply with a wide smile before kissing him again. He smiles against my lips as I roll on top of him, kissing him down his neck as he giggles below me. "And Happy Anniversary." I say sitting up as he smiles up at me while panting slightly, I guess it was our anniversary since it was the day we found out we were mates and my life changed for the better.

"As much as I'd love to start this day off the right way." He says as his fingers trail down my abs. "We have two boys waiting for us and a very long day ahead of us."

"I'll make up for it tonight." I reply before pulling him up, leaving the room with him tucked under my arm and his arm around my waist.

We enter the dining room table to find Damon already hoisted up in his high chair with a spread laid out all across the table making my eyes widen. For a kid, Levi could cook better than most, he'd taken a liking to watching Julian make him food and then started trying it a little and now he was a little chef.

"I made everyone's favorites." He announces proudly. "I couldn't buy anything so I hope this is enough, as a gift I mean."

"It's more than enough." Julian says picking him up before I could as he swirls him around in the air making him giggle loudly. He seats him down before sitting next to him, leaving me next to Damon, since he refused to eat baby food or drink the bottled milk from anyone else besides me. 

"So are you ready kid?" I ask Levi looking away from Damon to glance at him, he stops eating his pancakes with a gleeful face as it immediately sinks into an aggressive one.

"Nope." He says popping the p, "why can't I just stay inside the pack?"

"Because you're almost six and you can't keep hiding out in the pack, time for you to get out there." Julian says making him groan a little. "Elementary is below you and you know it, so be a bit more enthusiastic." He finishes, Levi offers us a weak smile before returning to his food.

Levi was a certified genius, it didn't take long to realise he had some good brains. He'd picked up on so much so quickly, he was way above elementary school level but throwing him into a higher grade would just mess him up. He was barely controlling his emotions now a days and Julian wouldn't dream of risking it, he started getting a bit snappy a few months ago and we knew what was coming. But it was worst than with me, it wasn't just the rage and anger, it was like all his emotions went haywire. It took some time, but we were helping him through it and he was getting a handle on himself. I was planning on taking him on a trip soon, to my own little home I made from the factory I was held in and to where we found him.

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