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Me: Hmph, so this is Jimin's place...

PARK's Korea headquarters are located on the ground of Seould Forest Stay. Jimin's private residence is on the top floor of his building, directly above his office. I manage to get the key to his apartment from his secretary. He must have spoken to her in advance, anticipating just such an eventuality.

Man, so this is what life is like for the people who live above the clouds. I was hoping to search the place before the master of the castle returns, but it's surprisingly empty. Just like his office, Jimin's living room is conspicously bare and minimalistic. Clean and spacious like a model home, the apartment doesn't feel lived in at all. Oh well, this is a convenient development as far as my mission is concerned. The emptier the apartment, the easier is is to search. Ok, there don't seem to be any security cameras in here. I'm thinking about going to investigate the other rooms when I hear a noise in the entryway. Quickly sliding on my Song Areum mask, I curl my lips into a soft smile.

Me: Welcome home. I'm here, just like I promised.

Jimin: ....

Me: That was rough. Were you able to convince Mr. Daniel?

Jimin: I managed to stave him off for the time being. Now we just have to do as you said... Keep putting in the work to sell our story.

I see...

Me: Oh, that reminds me. I put the contract here, so..

Jimin: ...

No reaction? Jimin takes a little breath before roughly running his fingers through his hair. Then, sticking his hand in his jacket pockets, he walks off.

Me: Where are you going?

Jimin: To take a shower. I'll talk to you about our next move once I'm done. Make yourself at home.

And with that, Jimin marches out of the living room.

Me: Ok then, since he gave me permission and everything... I think I WILL make myself at home.

I touch my earring and start to recording with the mini camera. I took a quick look around, but I didn't find anything useful.

Me: In fact, there's not much of anything at all. This place is empty.

It's like he had a conpany furnish the place, and then only with the absolute bare minimun. He makes more money than normal people can imagine, but it's like he has no interest whatsover in material things. Even his walk-in closet is filled with nothing but multiple pairs of the same, identical suits and turtlenecks he constantly wears. They're all well-tailored, luxurious pieces, but when I opened those closet doors, I had no words.

Me: Don't tell me all of his underwear is the sane too. I don't really feel like finding out.. Hm?

I notice someting that appears to be a door on the far side of the living room. However, there's no door knob. When I press my ear to it and knock lightly, I hear an unmistakable echo. It sound like there's a room on the other side of the door. But there's no obvious way to get in... Is it a secret door? ...hm? There's a mysterious object near the door. I bet I'll find the key inside if I open it. But I probably need something to get it to open. Not only is there no fingerprint, iris, or card reader, there's not even a simple keypad... Oh, but this must be the on switch. It would be dangerous to touch it carelessly, so I carefully look it over.

???: System online. Welcome.

A heat sensor!? And it has an electronic voice!? I brace myself as the mysterious unit, glowing faintly, opens. Eventually, a rotating sphere floats out from inside. It's a hologram.

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