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After evading the two men at the hotel... Jimin brings me to a different hotel, this one on the grounds of Seoul Forest Stay.

Front Desk Person: Thank you for waiting, Mr. Park. Your room is ready. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Jimin: I appreciate you accomodating me at the last minute. Tell Mr. Jeon I said thanks. I'd also like you to send a woman's change of clothes and some dinner up to the room. And please keep the contents of my request confidential.

Front Desk Person: Yes, sir.

(I see. I was surprised when he said he had an idea, but he meant Jungkook's hotel.)

Jimin: Let's go.

Me: You don't have to tell me twice.

Jimin: There's an outfit and some shoes over there. Get changed. They must have caught you by surprise. That's a horrible outfit to make an escape in.

Me: Tell me about it.

We make it up to the hotel room safely, and the relief that washes over me is so powerful that my knees are actually shaking a little. Tapping lightly on my tights, I quickly get undressed. Jimin, stunned, gapes at me.

Jimin: what is this, a strip show?

Me: How the tables have turned, huh? I guess we're even now.

Jimin: You could've changed in the bathroom. I wouldn't have minded.

Me: Time is of the essence. This is fine. Just pretend like I'm not changing and listen up. I realize I'm probably the last person who should be expressing concern, but is PARK alright?

Jimin: You saw the news about the virus? The office is a little chaotic right now, but Daniel and the others are dealing with it.

Me: Oh...

(This guy is a world-famous billionaire. As long as he has access to his money, he'll be safe. Provided there's no trouble at PARK, he could have gone back there, despite the danger.)

Jimin: You look like you work out a lot... And you have scars, too.

Me: Hm? Yeah, well... I've got to be strong enough to take down a full-grown man...

Suddenly feeling oddly uncomfortable, I throw on a shirt.

Me: Anyway, listen... Thanks for helping me, but it's dangerous to stay in any one place for too long. Don't let your guard down. The people at my agency are specially trained. They could easily infiltrate a place like this.

Jimin: This hotel is outfitted with PARK Technology's most sophisticated, most advanced security system and I've made sure the system is on high alert right now.

Me: ...

Jimin: You don't want to make any dramatic moves right this second, do you? Then, at least for the time being, there's no safer place for you than here. Have some water before you do anything else. You look terrible.

Walking over to the with our room service, Jimin pours me a glass of water. He drinks some water as well while offering me a glass, but for a second, I simply stare at him without moving.

Jimin: Wow... That reaction make it pretty clear what kind of world you're used to living in...

Me: I'm sorry. I guess I'm being a little paranoid.

Jimin: Eat something and relax. If you're right and those people really chasing after you, you'll need to rest up.

Me: True...

We both sit down and start eating. The only sound in the room is that of our clinking cutlery. I glance up at Jimin only to find he's been watching me.

Jimin: It sound like you've gotten yourself into a real mess.

Me: You're not wrong. But what's strange to me is that you've knowingly jumped into that mess with me. Tell me. Why did you..

...Help me?

...Bring me here?

Those words are nearly out of my throat when I swallow them again. They would have been followed with 'even though I tricked you, and idea of saying that out loud makes me feel a little sick.

Jimin: We don't have much free time. If you have something to say, say it.

(He's got a point. There's no telling what new dangers the future will bring. I should probably talk to him while I can... There are so many things I want to ask him, but I'm never going to be able to outrun the agency. I'm just going to die anyway... It's too late to ask him anything now.)

Thinking better of it, I close my mouth. Jimin gives me a pained look before turning away. A few moments later, Jimin slowly turns to face me.

Jimin: You changed clothes and you had something to eat. Now you just need to get some rest for the night.

Me: Yeah...

Jimin: I have an idea for tomorrow. There's something I'd like you to see. Do you think you could leave tomorrow's destination to me?

Me: Something you want me to see? What do you mean...?

Jimin: Something that could change the course of our lives... I guess you could say it's our ace in the hole. By the way, I'm not going to take no for an answer.

(Something that could change the course of our lives... What in the hell is he talking about...?)

☪ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *


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