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Wait. Someone's outside.

He's right. I hear someone moving around. But they're still far away. They must be by the front door.

Jimin: I'll go take a look. You stay here.

Me: No, I'm going with you.

Jimin: Stay behind me. Let's go.

Me: Ok.

We cautiously make our way through the living room and to the entrance to the office. The we find..

Daniel: Oh, Mr. Jimin. Hello there.


Daniel: Oh, and Areum's here too.

Daniel: What's the matter, sir?

Although he is, by all appearances, trespassing, he doesn't seem to feel the least bit guilty. Jimin, on the other hand, seems slightly shaken up.

Me: Jimin, were you expecting Mr. Daniel?

Jimin: Yes. I must have forgotten.

Daniel: Really? That's not like you. It must have slipped your mind because you were with Areum. I can see there's no more reason for me to doubt you two now...

Me: What does that mean?

Daniel: Exactly what it sound like. You forgot about our meeting, so you thought I was a trespasser, right? Sir, I don't believe I've ever seen you stand protectively in front of anyone like this before.

What? When Daniel says that, I reflexvely look up at Jimin. It's true, he's standing in front of me as if to shield me from the "trespasser"

Jimin: I'd rather not stand around talking in the entryway. If you need to speak with me, come in.

Daniel: Of course. Thanks for inviting me in.

Daniel: To tell you the truth, I wanted to drop by today because I was hoping to apologize to you. Please accept this wine as an expression of my regret.

Jimin: A dessert wine? This seems awfully sweet.

Daniel: I was hoping the two of you could enjoy it together. I came to apologize to the both of you, you see. And I'm sure you've noticed. I've been very suspicious of your relationship. Mr. Park has never shown any interest in marriage before, you see. Still, an alliance between companies could benefit our business. I wanted Mr. Park to marry a nice younh lady from a suitable family, but if Mr. Park already has feeling for you, Areum, then I'm too late

As I listen to Mr. Daniel, Jimin and I exchange a look. It would appear that we're finally managed to win over the man who's been doubting us all this time.

Daniel: I've been terribly rude to you, Areum. Please forgive me for doubting you in the beginning.

Me: Oh, it's ok..

Daniel: And thank you for what you did the night of the party. You used your wet dress as a way to escape that conversation. I was impressed.

*Flashback at the party*


Me: Ugh...

Felix: I'm so sorry. Your dress.

Like I care. This is the perfect chance to get out of here.

Me: I just hope there's somewhere I can change clothes.

Jimin: I'll help you. Sorry, Felix, I've got to get going.

*end of flashback*

I see. He saw me try to stand up for Jimin at the patron party.

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