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...Today's the day I'm supposed to see Jimin.

Me: This should work.

The real Y/N isn't nearly as good at cooking as Song Areum made it sound. It's nothing complicated, but this should be enough to make it look like I've been here getting ready to cook. Ok, now I'm going to have be careful. Quickly tying back my long hair, I start up Victoria.

Me: Victoria, number 1109.

Victoria: Voice identification failure. Access denied.

So my suspicious were right. Only Jimin can access the room. I asked Old Man Shige for help, anticipating this eventuality, but not even he could think a way to crack this in a few days. According to Shige, it would take at least a few months to develop the equipment necessary to fool voice recognition technology. Unfortunately, my contract with Jimin is only for a month. I don't have much time left. What should I do...

Victoria: Your pulse is elevating, Areum. You should take a deep breath.

Me: Haha, again with that? You said the same thing last time.

Wait a sec, did she just call me Areum? Last time...

Victoria: Your pulse is elevating, Guess. You should take a deep breath.

Me: Victoria, do you know who I am?

Victoria: You're Song Areum. The data scan when you arrived was used to register you in special guest mode.

Me: Special guess mode...

Victoria: This feature gives the system manager, Jimin, and a few other special guest some access privileges.

Victoria answer immediately, rattling off a list of names. Daniel is on the list. I see. Jimin is the main system manager, but Victoria's also registered the people close to him. I guess Jimin registered me, too.

Victoria: Would you like to login to special guest mode?

Me: Login and access number 1109.

Victoria: Logging in... Login complete. Voice identification complete. Welcome to number 1109.

The door to the secret room quietly swings open. Here I go. I've got to finish this job before Jimin gets home. The secret room hasn't changed. It's filled with knickknacks and well-used tools. I'm about to turn on the computer when... I stop myself. Somehow I get the feeling this isn't where Jimin would hide something important. He may be the CEO of PARK, the company that leads the world in digital devices... But he's always the most himself when he's around analog things.

Me: I should probably check out the bookshelf first.

It's analog, not digital things that he pours his soul into. Taking that quality of his into consideration, chances are high he's hidden the 007 code in that fashion. I go through the items on the bookshelf with a fine-toothed comb. If he's stored the code in some physical way, it could be on a microdot. And if it us a microdot, I won't be able to see the details with my naked eye. I've got to be careful not to everlook anything. Once I'm done searching the bookshelf, I move on to the desk drawer. There's a notebook of some sort mixed in with the loose screws and tools... It says "For Jimin, From Dad." Maybe this is his father's book. The notebook is filled with hand-drawn pictures of robots. There are lots of speech bubbles too, telling a story in the robot's words. Is this likr a handmade picture book? Did Jimin's father write a story in his notebook for his son?

"It's not good enough to just be smart"

"Our systems are very delicate. You need to have refined skills"

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