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It's been a few hours since the press conference ended. We've been waiting for the excitement to calm down before moving on to our next location. I finally get a chance to step outside for a breath of fresh air.

Jimin: It's depressing being cooped up inside for so long.

Me: It is what it is. We've got to be cautious after that media circus. You're a workaholic, you should look at this as a chance to relax and-

Although I was in the middle of a joke, I stop myself. I quickly take a careful look around the vicinity.

(Someone's here. And with the way he's walking, he's not a civillian.)

Me: Get behind me, Jimin.

Jimin: You don't have to worry. It looks like he's here to see you.

A man I've never seen before emerges from the shadows.

(I don't know who he is, but I know what he is. He's like me.)

I stand in front of Jimin, and the man, approaching me, takes out a smartphone.

Man 1: Here. It's from the boss.

Me: ...Alright.

Cautiously accepting the phone, I give a little nod. Jimin, eyes glued to the man as he leaves, asks...

Jimin: Is he with your agency?

Me: Probably. Although, agents rarely see each other so I don't know anything about him.

Jimin: Hmph, I admire your employer's thoroughness. Do you think that phone is safe?

Me: It's fine. If they were going to kill me, they wouldn't do it this way. I'll probably get a phone call in a little-


Me: ...Hello?

Stepping away from Jimin, I tap the screen and accept a video call. As expected, it's the boss.

Boss: How are you getting along, 'Areum'? You really showed us Mr. Park's press conference today was very impressive.

Me: Boss, I...

Boss: Before I listen to your explanation, let me say something. He's with you, isn't he?

Jimin: I see. So this is your boss.

Jimin mutters, staring emotionlessly at the screen.

Me: H-Hey!

It's highly, highly irregular for the boss to be face to face with a target. Unbothered by Jimin's callous expression, the boss puts on a friendly smile.

Boss: Hello there. It's an honor to meet the CEO of PARK.

Jimin: Unfortunately, I'm very busy. If you have something to say, make it quick.

Boss: Well then, let me begin with an apology. We've taken a look at the source code you released. You've proven your innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Jimin: And?

Boss: Please accept my sincerest apologies. We were wrong to suspect you as we did.

Me: Boss, is this my you called?

Boss: Don't rush me. I called to tell you the identity of the person who was really behind all this.

Jimin: ...

Boss: Judging from the look on Mr. Park's face, he already knows, but Lee Felix, the CEO of Felix, is responsible for both the virus and the leak.

Me: Lee Felix... from the party.

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