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I hurry home after receiving a signal from the boss. After taking a second to pat my rain-soaked body dry, I sit down in front of my dresser.

Boss: I see you made it back.

Me: Yep. What's up, Boss?

Boss: You're soaked. You could've waited to call me until after you dried your hair.

Me: No... This takes priority. Don't worry about me. Anyway, you texted me ealier.

Boss: Yes, I thought you might have found evidence to corroborate the Han River Bridge story.

I had a feeling that's what this was about... I'm usually somewhat intimidated to sit and talk to the boss. Today, however, the feeling is all but absent. I wonder if that's because I've become aware of my own feeling. Or is it because I let my feeling get the best of me and failed to collect the evidence the boss requested. I never got verbal confimation from Jimin, and I'm about to try and pass off unconfirmed, unsubstantiated informatiom as a sure thing... To the boss. Do I feel guilty...?

Boss: Y/N.

Me: Sorry about that. The information you acquired regarding the Han River Bridge incident is true. Jimin's parent are most definitely deceased.

Boss: Is that all?

Me: Yes, that's all.

Boss: I see...

The boss is smiling at he regards me through the screen. I switch into work mode,  treating the boss as I would a target, so he doesn't pick up on the fact that I'm being less than honest with him.

Boss: ...It's our job to use people's emotions against them. When we do that, it's important to be able to deftly manipulate our own emotions as well. You have a talent for winning hearts and minds. I'm counting on you, Y/N.

Me: Ok...

Boss: Well then, I'll move on to the real reason I got in touch with you today.

The real reason?

Boss: You've been doing excellent job. Your target this time is particularly discreet. I'm sure it's a challenge to deal with someone so unapproachable. But you've successfully made your way into his heart. The skill you displayed in uncovering what he was up to with the Victoria AIs was nothing short of incredible.

Me: Thank you.

Boss: However, there is one thing that worries me. You still don't seem to have found 007, the crash code. The lack of progress is causing the client to panic. This is a big problem.

Me: Of course...

Boss: You're Mr. Park's 'girlfriend.' You don't have any idea where Code 007 could be? By the way, you made a report to our mechanic stating you'd successfully made it into the 'unopenable room' and that he no longer had to worry about trying to find you a way in.

The boss is right, of course. After learning that Victoria could open the locked door, I told Old Man Shige he could stop working on the project. While voice confirmation from Jimin may be necessary, I also know the access code for the room. Even if I did ask Shige to find me a way in, it would be wise to try another approach.

Me: Despite the secrecy surrounding it, it turned out to be a simple hobby room. Although, Code 007 could very well be hidden there...

Boss: Your interactions with Mr. Park thus far must have provided you with some clue. If Jimin Park were to hide something important, where would he put it? He's trying to hide important details from his past... Iy could very well be amongst those details that he chooses to conceal other pieces of important information...

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