Chapter 1

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     "I swear to all that is holy if you are not here," Rouhem growled as he entered the nightclub. His nose was immediately assaulted by a confusing combination of smells, which most likely all originated from sex one way or another. 

     The lights above blinked before beaming and racing across the twisting bodies in vibrant colors and hues. Women laughed while men smirked. Some were human. Some not so much. He scanned the throng of grinding bodies and could not locate the correct shade of orange that he seemed to be endlessly pursuing. 

     His last informant had given the name of this establishment which was popularly known by creatures on Human Earth as a safe haven for supernaturals and humans alike. The blue neon sign in front read 'Skinny's'. 

      In his homeland, a completely different realm from this Earth which was overrun by humans, Rouhem was treated as royalty due the the fact that he was indeed a prince of Animal Kingdom. Besides Might Empire, Animal Kingdom was one of the most powerful nations in the Glamour Realm. Now, he shoved his way through the people as he made his way to the nearest bar. Had Rouhem been any other creature, he may have found himself in conflict, but it was obvious that most recognized the beast that lay beneath his skin. 

     Rouhem barged between two sitting females in order to see the three bartenders. They gave little protest, but he could handle a nasty glare any day. The women whirled around behind the glossy counter as they created a varied pick of drinks. 

     He eyed the wall of glass bottles that the bartenders were in front of. "What can I get you?" A neutral voice inquired. Rouhem brought his attention to the woman in front of him. Dark brown skin. Long, thick braids. Black eyes. He had to admit that she was nice to look at but not what he craved to see the most. 

     "The strongest drink you've got," he answered, keeping his tone calm. The bartender nodded and got to work, serving a glass of green liquid moments later. 

     "This baby is called 'The Haze', hope you can handle as much as your mouth says so. This is known to kill mortals on some odd occasions," she warned, placing a hand on her hip. There was a subtle amusement playing on the curl of her lips. She thought he would cave under pressure. That was amusing.

     "I could only dream of such a mercy," he retorted before grabbing the glass and gulping it down. It burned more so than he expected, but became ice cold in the middle of his throat. Hints of lime burst in his mouth in liquid waves. He eventually swallowed the interesting beverage. 

     She was grinning ear to ear when he finally met her stare. "You survived, it's on me Mr. Tough-man. Now, how can I help you since it is obvious you are not just searching for a good buzz?"

     Rouhem raised his glass in salute. He was glad to be dealing with someone who he hoped to be decently competent. "You are right about one thing, I am searching for something, but unfortunately not a hangover. I am actually seeking the location of a person. Someone told me their next destination would be here." 

     Her eyes darkened with suspicion. "I should tell you that this is not a place that allows plight. We have a few rules here that advocate for tight lips, cool heads, and heavy fists when it comes to trouble. Is that what you seek?"

     Rouhem let his wolfish grin slip. "No, though if this is so, that person may not be here after all. She is nothing but trouble. I simply want to speak with her."

     "You have caught my curiosity," she responded, folding her arms under her chest, "who is this woman?" 

     He chuckled. "Tall, orange hair, and a wicked mouth." Inferno did not require that specific of a description. It was not difficult to identify someone as peculiar as her. 

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