Chapter 23

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     He examined his palms and listened to the roaring of the rushing water from the bathroom. Inferno was taking a shower, and he was failing at picturing how the water droplets were most definitely clinging to her pale curses, streaming down her elegant, ceaseless legs before disappearing down the drain. Rouhem dreamed of one day being the one to glide his hands where hers travelled in that moment and knew it was impossible to ask for.

     There was a knock on the door. "Yo, Prince?" He thought hard on the identity of this brother. He rose from the bed and opened the door to find one of the brothers. This had to be Leon, the one which could have been up for the role of Irish Tarzan.


     "Me and my brothers are going out later, want to come?" the easy grin on his face was baffling. What wicked intentions lay beneath this arbitrary invitation?

     Rouhem frowned. "You want us to come with?" The stream from the shower halted along with his patience.

     Leon did a little dance of confusion with his eyebrows. "Yeah, well... That is kind of why they sent me on their behalf to invite you... you know... the bros." He scratched the back of his neck, and his ears tinted a rosy shade which spoke high of his honesty. It was extremely difficult to authentically express an awkward facade.

     Rouhem thought about it and realized he needed a night out on the town. Wicked intentions or not, his primal spirit craved an night of untamed activities. "Count me in."

     "Does the same go for her?" The hopeful gleam in his eyes made Rouhem feel guilty. Here he was, on the inside while the rest of her family was forced to watch her from the outside. Well, he was an inside as possible with something like Inferno. He refrained from chuckling at his own choice of words.

     Rouhem's sharp hearing caught Inferno's vulgar snort. "Probably not, but I will ask for you guys."

     Leon grinned. "Be ready by dinnertime."


     "When you said out," Rouhem said as Kittrix crouched low with the focus of a vengeful hawk, "I was expecting something a little more exciting."

     "Watch the master demonstrate his stupendous craft," Kittrix muttered low before releasing the bowling ball. He turned his back, smirking when all ten pins were wiped out. The neon lights from above made his white shirt glow a peculiar blue which made Rouhem's sensitive vision hazy.

     "I agree with Prince," Ira hollered as he picked up his own ball and walked up in the nearest lane to theirs, "no sweet asses but my own at this moment. I mean what is the point of going out and then buying out the place? Disrespect inteneded, you motherfuckers annoy the living shit out of me. I need to meet others, literally anyone else."

     Rouhem looked over as Kollin walked over with a twelve inch platter of supreme nachos. Suspicious ground beef. Wilted lettuce. Hard jalepeño peppers. Watery, diced tomato, onions, and blacks olives. Blanketed with the gloppy goodness of artificial nacho cheese, which did a terrible job of hiding the tortilla chips' staleness. The blonde twin munched down on them rather like it was the highest honor. "That is why you were adopted!"

     "Life ain't that great," Ira frowned and proceded to attack the platter. The distaste on his pale features confirmed Rouhem's suspicion. "Being adopted would be like winning the lottery."

     "Yeah," Leon hollered over the electronic beats blurring from the antique boombox speakers, "for us, you egghead!"

     Rouhem sat back, beer in hand. His legs were stretched out in front of him with no regard to anyone who may of had to pass by. He smirked when he realized all of the males were seated that way. "You don't seem to be worried at all with this upcoming conflict?" He commented.

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