Chapter 27

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      "Why is it that every time I find you," Weslyn whispered from behind, failing to startle Inferno, "you are up to something mischievous? My kind of gal if you ask me." She briefly looked back to get a glimpse of her perfect raven, inky hair. People didn't deserve that kind of beauty. 

      Just to make a point of protest, Inferno reached back and tugged on a piece. "Shh, Mommy is working." She turned back to the screen and went back to her tapping on the keyboard. Damn, this dude really knew how to code. 

     Clearing not getting enough attention, Weslyn took a seat on Inferno's lap, giving her just enough room to continue her task. "Why are we hacking Kittrix's computer again?" She lifted one of the millions of books piled on the desk and tossed it across the room. Rude. 

     Inferno sighed, feeling the burning, melting sensation that constantly ran though her back. This kind of pain could not be easily adjusted to. "The Pack," she spat, "is not what I thought they were. I just want to check things out. And I will... As soon as I get past this stupid fucking firewall."

     "When did you become a computer genius?" 

     Inferno scoffed at such an idiotic question. "No friends equals a fuck ton of time to learn about random shit." 

     Weslyn pouted. "I am your friend." 

     Inferno grinned when she finally made some progress. "After you died, my friend status was about as solid as my shit after a couple green salsa tamales."

     "What a tragedy you are," Weslyn cherped, pulling her hair into a ponytail. What a lunatic. 

     "Speaking of green salsa tamales, I am almost through! Kittrix is definitely way too cocky for his own good," Inferno chuckled, giddy like that of a child on Christmas morning. 

      "I fucked him. I think we are a thing. Maybe not. Who cares really." The words were quick. Maybe even nonchalant. 

     Inferno snorted. "I would have thought you a Terrance kind of gal, or maybe even Ira. I guess puny wimp would be third place." 

     She made crude hand gestures. "Not that puny, if you know what I mean. And how do you know me so well? I tried Terrance, he said his type wasn't crazy. Ira shook his head and walked away. Kittrix was dared by Kollin, I'm pretty sure, but hey, dick is dick--this doesn't bother you, at all?"

     "Why would it?" Damn, her voice was too hollow. She just tapped away, hoping Weslyn didn't notice her attempt.

     "Ahh," she forced Inferno to make eye contact with her by grabbing her face, "so this is the deadbeat family you spoke of when we first met. Do you hate them still?" 

     Inferno shrugged off her hands and went back to hacking the files. "I used to. But right now... I have bigger fish to fry than dealing with these assholes." 

    Weslyn sighed and laid her head on Inferno's shoulder. "I am a psychopath, we all know that, but craziness on the side with fries, I think you should give them a chance. Give em hell first, of course, but The Pack isn't so bad to have as an ally. Just think about it." 

      Inferno wanted to scream at her. Tell her she was wrong. Tell her they were bastards from the darkest depths of hell. Tell she was right, that Inferno was being a fool. Instead, "look what I found. Holy shit." 

       Weslyn giggled when Inferno pulled up the footage. She wanted to know why the prisoner escaped so easily, and her answer came up on the security shot. There Leon was, who was supposed to be on guard, but he was currently preoccupied with the latin lover himself, Micah. "Holy shit," Inferno repeated as she watched the men getting it on. She felt like she should have looked away, but this dirt was just too enticing not to take advantage of. 

     "Looks like latin lover swings both ways," Weslyn breathed with her eyes glued to the screen, "is it peculiar that I am enjoying this?" 

     Inferno scoffed and turned it off. "Yes, it is you creep." The footage updated to the present. God, there was a camera in every corner! Weslyn leaned over and clicked on one of the pictures, the one that Inferno herself has been staring at. 

     There he was. The man that contsantly drove her crazy. "Rouhem, you fucking cluck," Inferno muttered. 

     "So, are you guys fucking?" Weslyn blurted out. Her almond eyes squinted with curiousity. She had most likely never heard of a filter in her life. But Inferno would be the biggest hypocrite if she even attempted to call her out on it. 

     Inferno felt her cheeks flush with all kinds of emotion. "Nope," she gritted out at her eager friend. She tried not to be too forceful with her words. 

     Weslyn pouted. "Are you going to any time soon-"

     "Rouhem's dick is not available for use!" Inferno snapped, "so don't even try it." Weslyn was one of the few people she could stand longer than a few hours, but this kind of thing would not be debated. 

     "Anyone with eyes can see the woody you have for each other!" Weslyn retorted, "so what's the problem?" 

     Inferno came to a stand, forcing Weslyn to do the same, ready to deliver a speech of denial. "We can't, Wes. It can't happen, and that's that, okay?" 

     "You're being stupid, admit it!" Weslyn pointed an accusing finger. "You want him as much as he wants you. You are just being stubborn. Not everyone will hurt you! It appears to me that Rouhem wants to do just the opposite. That sounds like a freakin' miracle, doesn't it?" 

     Inferno crossed her arms. "The last thing I need to be doing is arguing about Rouhem with you-" Inferno eyes darted to the screen and watched as a man approached from behind Rouhem. His face read shock right before they disappeared in a blink. 

      "Rouhem? What the fuck?!" She ignored Weslyn's questions and darted out of the room. 

     Pain shot down from her back to her thighs as she raced to Rouhem's location. Her heart struggled to beat correctly as he was nowhere to be found. "Rouhem?" she shouted, and was approached by many who were just as confused as she was. 

     She searched every corner of the house and found herself outside, shouting to the sky, "Rouhem!" She was out of breath and in the worst panic mode. 

     It was getting dark. 

     She plopped down on the grass when her mind held no options. 

      "Rouhem?" she whispered.

     There was no response. 

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