Chapter 8

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     Streaks of protectiveness scorched his veins as he stood behind Inferno. She stood with a fercocity dripping and drenching her every inch. Nothing about her was gentle or sweet. She was a warrior without bounds, one ready to lash out at a moments notice. 

     She was beautiful. Even as he knew she was on the brink of shooting every single person in her vicinity. 

     "Who the hell is that?" he leaned down and whispered in her ear. They were in a part of the house which resembled an infirmary. There were three brothers in the room, as well as her father. The youngest looking brother held the girl which caused this chaos--besides Inferno. One other with black colored hair and orange roots was tending to her, and it appeared by his jargon that he was medically experienced. He believed this one was Jones. And the oldest, Terrance she had called him, was hovering with stress etched into his pale features. Their father was hanging back, clearly contemplating this new situation. 

     "How the fuck should I know?" she responded just as lowly. Her eyes were trained on the couple. Rouhem found their bond to be the most obvious thing in the world. They were likely soulmates. His advanced senses could identify these bonds. 

     "I guess you wouldn't," he agreed. She was just about as clueless as he was.

     The brother attending to the girl spoke mechanically as he lifted her shirt, "you are going to need stitches. There is no telling how many. I am thinking your ribs are bruised. Other than that, we just need to clean you up and prevent infection." her abdomen quivered at his observations. The poor girl's skin was covered in darkened spots, a result from the two males who had pursued her. 

     Edwin sighed and placed a kiss on her temple. Rouhem did not miss the look Terrance and Jones exchanged. 

     "Edwin," Jameson's voice was built from steel.

     Edwin looked up, exposing his mirroring gaze. "Yes, Papa?" 

     "We need to talk." He gestured to the door. "Why don't you let Jones and Terrance tend to her. Now." It was obvious that Edwin did not have a choice.

     "Edwin?" the girl's voice trembled with fear. She was unsettled at the idea of separation. 

     Edwin smiled down at the girl. "Don't worry, Pop, I won't be far. These are my brothers, they will take care of you. I won't take long." She seemed frustrated but nodded anyway. Rouhem could not imagine Inferno to be so lenient. 

     Inferno followed close behind as Edwin and Jameson exited the room and out into the hallway. Rouhem knew that Inferno was just as curious as he was. 

     "Have you lost your fucking mind?" a voice growled. Rouhem turned just in time to see one of the other brothers in a blur, charging at Edwin with his massive build. 

     "Ira!" Jameson hissed, but made no move from his stance. This was obviously a regular occurrence.

     Edwin quickly recovered and stood on his own. He did not appear to be the least bit bothered by the physical attack. Ira was seething, though made no move to attack again. 

     "I deserved that," Edwin conceded, unabashed in showing his guilt. 

     "Explain," Jameson ordered as two other brothers entered the little area where their meeting took place. Inferno and Rouhem were on the outskirts, looking in on the drama. 

     Edwin ran his fingers through his silken orange locks. His darkened eyebrows were scrunched up in helplessness. "I was patrolling-"

     "Let me take a wild guess... in Hawk Territory?" this comment came from the wild one, who appeared the most untame out of everyone. His orange strands travelled in millions of directions. He appeared so feral. More similar to Inferno. 

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