Chapter 9

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     "What is with this family?" Rouhem growled as he pulled a gun off his body, taking cover from the omnipresent crashing. The comfort of the cool metal texture calmed his nerves down to a constant thrum.

     "I have no idea, cupcake" Inferno shouted with a grin on her face. It was honest and maybe even evil. Why the hell did he find it arousing? "But it is time to have some fun!" She pulled the hood over her head and zipped out of his reach in a matter of seconds.

     "You are nuts!" he hollered over the noise. His eyes trained on her. Her body twisted and twirled in order to dodge bullets, like an enraged swan diving through a sheet of thin clouds. She was fierce with enough beauty to cause a pang in his chest.

     He was taken aback when she turned in response to him, blowing a kiss before sending a seductive wink. Having not expecting such a flirtatious action, Rouhem was stunned, and reacted the only way he knew how: he followed close behind.

     They were caught by a barrage of intruders bursting past the front door and windows. Majority of them sported dark, soldier gear. Blue paint was imprinted on their faces, masking their features. He noted that they also appeared to be mid-transformation, a half animal and human state which Alters were capable of shifting into. They had to have been associated with a wild race of birds.

     The other brothers shoved them back, never pausing to inquire the Alters' presence.

     Inferno shot out a leg as she reached a shorter male. He was propelled into the air, soon crashing onto the grass. It was an illustration of ferocity he was obliged to admire. As they got into the front yard, Rouhem was amazed to see a wave of men and women approaching, intent on waging war.

     Above circled a dozen birds. Not just birds, but feral hawks, aircrafts from above seeking revenge in the coolness of the dark.

     Rouhem concentrated his brawn and used it to keep most fighters off of Inferno. He was a ghost of wind, dashing past like an intimate whisper, slamming down like the paw of an untame beast, motivated to protect someone who basked in fighting him every step of the way.

     His psychotic pixie paused and raised her gun, its blackness gleamed in warning. Her arms were straight and her legs were positioned in a seasoned routine. He blinked and heard her gun go off repeatedly with a series of pops, again and again until she had to reload. He watched her wounded victims and knew they would survive only because she willed it.

     "Come on, Daddy wants to play!" Inferno called out, pulling two smaller daggers off her thighs. Her body was bouncing with caged energy begging to be released. He had never seen a more lively woman, and it only motivated him to sheild her to his best ability further.

     Rouhem caught an approaching man by his throat, catching his muscle with ease, efficiently bruising their windpipe. They went down wheezing and not an ounce of compassion was present in the prince.

     He whipped around to see Inferno slicing down four creatures at a time. Rouhem knew that she was showing more temperance that usual. Whether it was the presense of her family or her unstable emotions, it was clear that she was in no lucid state of mind capable of coping with sudden killing. His pride for the pixie surged forward.

     A shriek rang out in the night sky which provided little illumination, and Rouhem recognized the sound as a bird call. All movement halted in response. Rouhem heard Inferno's whine of protest in the pause in violence and grinned at how peculiar she truly was.

     A bird descended, and the others flocked around it to create a wall of security. Rouhem's skin heated in response with the animal instinct that sensed opposing predators. This collosal creature, made from royal blue feathers, was clearly the leader. He saw bits and pieces as the male shifted back into human form. His bird claws remained on his hands. "Jameson!"

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