Chapter 20

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     "I knew your intelligence was lacking, but now you are officially a nice set of dolt bitches," she hissed under her breath when the two males skipped through the trees with soundless steps. It spoke loudly for men who weighed ten times her own mass.

     That was yet another gift of pixies. Their agility was unlike any other known creature. So swiftly and soundlessly in a way did they proceed that she had trouble tracking their movements. 

     She rose a couple inches from her crouching position and tugged her hood further over her locks. With a heavy breath, she followed behind. 

     The darkness blanketed to a heavier degree, worsening her depleting vision. The sound of lively insects deepened. She scanned her surroundings constantly, finding her own placidity within the cool winds of the night. For whatever sick reason, she calmed more so in critical situations than any other. 

     "Oh, shit!" she heard one of them frantically whisper from ahead. "Time to go!" She asked no questions when they came bounding back in her direction, but now they were joined by a third party. 

     Her surprise shot into the sky when she recognized the female. "Weslyn?" She knew those red eyes anywhere! "Wes?" She exclaimed in complete shock.

     "Inferno? Could it be the devil? You're alive! What the Helena of Troy did you do to your hair?!" Her lilting accent was music to the pixie's ears. "Wait a second, how did you know I was here?" 

     Inferno looked behind them and saw pursuing men. "Talk later, run like hell now!" She looked forward to see Ira and Kollin charging forward through the knee-high grass. They were nearly out of sight. How the hell did they possess such swiftness?

     "I don't know if it is because you grew ten times the last size I saw you, but you are moving slow, get your shit in gear!" Inferno didn't have the time to be offended as she was suddenly lifted by graceful hands and lurched forward faster than the speed of light. Wind whipped at her cheeks with the force of a hurricane. Lights swirled and swiped by. Her ability to register their movement was lacking so much so that she had to disregard the shame that threatened to rise. 

     Her body came to a jerking halt when their incredible speed paused. The lungs behind her ribs deflated in reaction. She looked around and breathed evenly in attempt to calm her rolling stomach. After a few seconds, she looked up at the women she thought long gone. Deeply tanned skin. Almond eyes. Stern lips. Flawless, round cheeks. "I thought you were dead," was all she could manage. 

     Wes arched a perfectly shaped brow before flashing a delirious grin. "Is it okay if I let you down, daddy long legs? Jelly legs, actually." She laughed to herself.

     Inferno had the exact opposite desire, without considering her unstable legs. "Sure, Wes, but can you get me some good legs before you put me down?" 

     She shook her head as a lovely grin split her lips once again. There was that tiny gap Inferno had forgotten all about. "Still as demanding as ever, I see, what a doll like always. Yes, you've always been such a ferocious little doll, haven't you." She responded while slowly relinquishing the pixie. The way in which she held the female so leisurely spoke volume of her strength. 

     Inferno inhaled for prolonged periods in order to slow her racing heart. "God, I still hate it just as much when you do that now." She gazed around to take in the fact that they were in the middle of a parking lot. The wet stone gleamed with the neon lights of the bar's sign. This was just was she was craving.

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