Chapter 30

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     Inferno woke to the vulgar volume of snoring. She felt his hard muscles laid against her body, and she would be a lying son of a bitch if it wasn't the most euphoric sensation she'd ever experienced. 

     She was thoroughly confused until she wasn't. 

     God, why was she so stupid?

      "Get off," she whispered as her eyes began to burn. She said it again with more strength, "get off." She wiped her wet cheek on the sheets. 

     His snoring halted and he began to mumble. He wasn't quite awake. She hadn't seen him sleep so peacefully since she had met him. 

     She gritted her teeth and finally built up the courage to push at him. He shifted some. "What?" he whispered, though his eyes remained shut. 

     Inferno closed her own for a moment. For once in her life, she wanted someone to stay. And maybe they left because she told them to, but here she was, proving to that she would get hurt again and again. 

     So, it was time to do what she did best: make them leave. She built up the strength and shoved at him, "Rouhem, get off of me." She wanted him to stay, but she knew it was best for her to say the opposite. 

     He finally revealed his lovely eyes. So beautiful. So confused and relieved. "Inferno, you're awake." 

     She snapped, because she would soon lose her conviction. "Get off! Get off! Get off!" she shouted, shoving at his chest. 

     He sprung off like she had burned him. "Inferno, what's wrong?"

     When he severed contact, the pain came rushing back and she was dizzy. She tumbled out of the bed and reached for the nearest dresser. Her knees could not manage to rise off the carpet. "Where are my clothes?" she found sweatpants and a wife-beater. 

      "Inferno, what are you doing?" he grabbed her bicep, but she yanked her arm away and slipped into some Nikes. 

     She walked toward the bed, but was still queasy and had to catch herself on the mattress. She winsed but gritted her teeth with the intent to endure. The pain could be dealt with. 

     Rouhem paced in front of her. He bent over as she reached under the bed. "Will you tell me what is wrong? Don't tell me you are speechless when I need a response." 

     Inferno was hurt and furious as what happened to her played through her mind over and over again. Why couldn't he be different? She located the gun and placed it in the waistband of her pants. She got up slowly to walk out.

     Inferno swirled around when he snatched the gun from its place. "Where are you going?" he inquired as he held the gun out of reach. 

     She held out her hand. She refused to make eye contact. "Give it, now." 

     He shook his head. "You get the gun when you tell me what the hell is going on. Talk to me. Tell me what happened to you. Let me help." 

    She crossed her arms over her chest and allowed silence to stretch out between them. "No." 

     He laughed, but there was no humor. "No, what? No, you won't tell me where you're going? No, you won't tell me what's wrong? Or no, you won't talk to me?" Rouhem came a step closer until she could not avoid his handsome face. The confusion and worry there chipped at her resolution. "If you've got something to say, Inferno, don't be shy, you're a grown ass woman, just say it!" 

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