Chapter 47

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    She looked at her parents with mild curiosity. The hopeful look on her mother's face was hard to miss. "We're talking right now aren't we-" She yelped when Rouhem pinched her butt. She cleared her throat. "Sure. What is it?"

    Aine smiled softly. "Now that you have been cured, I understand that our services are no longer required, but I was, no, we all were hoping... that maybe you'd like to be a part of the pack once more."

    Inferno felt like she had been waiting for this since she had finally found them. She hardly contained the great sigh in her body. Even with this excitement, there was still a heavy doubt that weighed on her heart. "Listen, what happened to me wasn't your fault. I know that now-"

    "What did happen to you?" Jameson spoke up with darkness quickly entering his own gaze. "I want to know what happened to my daughter."

    She began to tremble when recalling that night, but was soon soothed by Rouhem who took her hand in his. Warm and strong. Just what she needed. "I don't like to talk about it. Maybe I will in time, but on my own terms. What I can tell you is this: it was no accident. Some fucked up shit happened to me on that ship, the kind that made me hate all of you and myself for many years. What happened to me is what drove me away, and I let all that darkness fester, until I was practically addicted to the bitterness in me. When I came back, I thought it was so that I could somehow make you pay before I die, but..." She looked back at Rouhem, whose curls were the wildest they've ever been. "I realize now that more than revenge, shit, this is cheesy, but more than revenge, I needed family. I needed to stop being such a miserable fucking loner."

    Aine was wiping tears from her eyes, so was Jameson. "You've always had family. We may have failed you in so many ways, but we never failed in loving you, even when you pointed guns in our faces, even when we thought you were dead. I can never tell you how sorry we are for putting you on that ship."

    Inferno sighed. "It was a shit move, admittedly, but I know you would have never sent me had you known what was in store for me. The person who was the real culprit was brought to justice. The only next logical step for me to take is to move on... with all of you, even if you all already drive me nuts."

    It appeared that Aine was going to go in for a hug, but Inferno stopped her in her tracks. "Baby steps."

    Her mother nodded. "Right, of course. Well... we'll see you at dinner?"

    Inferno looked back at Rouhem. "Mmm. No."

    "C'mon," Jameson looked at the two suspiciously, "we'd better get cleaned up in our rooms."

    "Right! Plus, Ira wanted to speak with us." Aine nodded, taking her husbands hand in hers and leading them out of the room, leaving them alone.

    Not able to help herself, she spun around, meeting Rouhem as he too had the same thought. They clashed like usual, pulling at each other, removing anything that stopped them from being skin to skin.

    "Inferno!" He breathed against her lips as he hoisted her up. She hung her legs around his hips, digging one set of nails into his back and the other into his scalp.

    "I need you right now," she practically begged. Inferno needed to feel him, be overwhelmed by him until all she knew was him. He was so warm and strong, so tender and savage simultaneously.

    He nodded, walking them over to the nearest wall, so that he could lean some of her weight against it. She jerked when he began to rub the end of his penis against her clitoris, using her own natural fluids as a lubricant. "Fuck!" He cursed through gritted teeth, having already accumulated a sweat on his brow.

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