Chapter 48

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    "You don't have to leave so soon," Annika said to Inferno as she gave her another firm hug.

    "She's right, you know, two weeks isn't that long," Rouhem joined in. He was standing behind with many bags hanging all around his body. "We could stay another week?"

    Inferno frowned at him. "I thought your brother is expecting you? Besides, you haven't been home in a while, I thought you missed home?"

    "I do," he agreed, "I just don't want to drag you along when you're clearly happier here."

    Inferno completely forgot Annika and approached her mate. She laid her hands on his face, cradling him. She planted a light kiss on his lips. "Believe it or not, you idiot, my happiness doesn't depend on geography, it depends on you. Also, Annika's not going anywhere. What makes you think I won't be visiting again soon? Is there a travel ban I don't know about?"

    "Of course not!" Annika chimed in, appalled that she would even ask.

    She watched as he took a deep breath. "Alright, we'd better hit the road then if we want to make it before dinner."

    "It'd make my wife extremely happy if you returned," Soren spoke up, coming right beside his queen, "so I advise you to return promptly."

    Rouhem stepped up and gave Soren a loud smack on the shoulder. "Don't use your wife as an excuse, you'll miss our annoying asses too."

    Inferno smiled. "We've annoyed these poor souls enough, Cupcake. Let's go."

    Annika was clearly in distress as she waved off her best friend. She was wiping away some tears. "Seriously come back soon, Inferno."

    "Count on it."


    Inferno looked over at Rouhem who was uncommonly quiet. He sat on her left as they traversed from Might Empire to Soul, the main city of Animal Kingdom. The closer they came to their departure, she noticed before, the more gloomy he became. He wasn't exactly a depressed grey sky, but he wasn't shining either. It was worse in that moment. "Hey." 

    It was as if he was startled out of his own mind. His hand sought hers and this comforted her some. "Yes?"

    "What's going on?" She decided to be direct.

    His brow furrowed in question. "What do you mean, pixie? You've got to be a little more specific."

    She thought better of snapping at him. "I think it would be good for you, but if it's too much, we don't have to go right now."

    He looked away, though kept hold of her hand. She thought he was ignoring her, until, "No, I need to go home. It's bad enough that I've abandoned him for all this time. I'm surprised he even wants me home."

    Inferno pulled her hand away. "You abandoned him for me."

    "Hey," he said, frowning at her, though looking at her with determination, "I was going to run away before I even knew who I was running to." He reached over and played with a few strands of her hair. "I appreciate the effort, though."

    Inferno leaned into him. "You know I got your back right?"

    He smirked, and scooted over closer. A smile bloomed across his lips when she narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't know how I feel about that," he spoke, "considering you have daggers on you and I am constantly annoying you."

    She laughed and nodded. "Good point. Maybe it's not such a good idea anyway." She leaned up her hand, gliding it his down his cheek, his throating, and pausing right over his heart. "Trusting me can be very dangerous, Prince Rouhem."

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