Chapter 16

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     "I think introductions are past due, Jameson," Micah claimed as he lounged back in the single leather chair. His level of nonchalance was a supernatural phenomenon. Something about him was effortless, and she could choke on the arrogance dripping from his pores. 

     "This is Inferno and Prince, they are the ones who require assistance. Play nice, this one is not amused by desperate flirting." He tilted his head in her direction. She would have responded with something witty, but he wasn't wrong. 

     His full attention was directed on her. "How is it you know the Pack?" What the hell was so amusing?

     Inferno leaned forward. She was fully capable of playing this game all day. "I had the same exact question for you." Her eyes narrowed down at the weapon on his waist. A meat cleaver?! 

     "I asked first, chica." He looked up, behind her where Rouhem was stationed, and she suspected he did not look too sweet. "But since I am a gentleman, I will go first: I am a... old family friend. Y you?" 

     "I need some clarification," Inferno patted her head, where her significantly shorter locks laid, "my delicate female brain is a little slow this afternoon. What exactly is your field of expertise?" Rouhem's quiet chuckle from behind caused her lips to slightly curl. 

     He glided his tan fingers against the handle of his cleaver. "Don't you mean: what am I? Well, chica, you call me el doctor amor. I can heal most anything, and, fun fact, I am a certified MD in China, and most countries in South and North America." 

     A healer? So he would know many things about diseases. "If you aren't lying through your teeth, I have many questions for you."

     His eyes were calculating, rather like he was searching through the depths of her genuine truths. "How can I be of assistance, chica?" 

     She grit her teeth together at the name but reigned in her temper. Then was not the time to show people just how unlikable she could be. "My friend is dying-" 

     "Yes, I know that now. Kittrix sent the details to me but they were incredibly vague. Necessito more. She was hurt, yes, but how?" She watched as he pulled out a cellular device and began tapping away. His nails were short and cut with precise measures. They were hands of a healer. 

     "Her wing was ripped off with the help of a dull blade." She hated recalling the attack, but refused to let those little moments have control over her actions. Inferno was in control. 

     "You say wing. What was she? Dragon? Angel? Demon?" 

     "She is a pixie." Both Aine and Jameson released alarmed noises. It was unheard of, a pixie losing a wing. And if it was, it was told in the circumstances of a horror tale. 

     "So the person managed to remove her wing with a knife. Now did this blade have anything special on it? Any marks? Something that may of caught your eye?"

     It was kind of hard for Inferno to answer since she was the one bleeding out. "No, it was just a tool of torture. The man knew nothing would top taking her wing. He didn't have enough time to plan that far either, but I am sure he would have if he could have."

     "Bueno. When the wing was removed, what was the pixie's immediate physical response?" His demeanor was one which she did not expect. For one who was anything but professional, he sure knew how to put on a professional facade. 

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