Chapter 6

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     He was near silent as he moved through the tall, lush grass. Every muscle beneath his flesh was pulsing with boundless brawn, one which rivaled steel. There was a constant, heavy thud in his chest, pumping anticipation throught his bones and blood. Every detail was registered by his sharp eyesight and the acuteness of his hearing. 

     The cracks on the damp tree bark. The slight mist in the air. The cool breeze brushing against the outer layer of his clothes. The hard yet cushioning texture under his boots. They were all observations he was registering at a constant rate. 

     Minutes had passed in his lone stride. The forestry blocking the road from the house they sought to breach seemed to be limitless. The walk itself tested his patience. He knew beforehand that the notorious gang of warriors wouldn't make it so simple.  

     He inhaled for long seconds, holding it in with equal time before exhaling. Breathing exercises were very helpful in maintaining complete mental and physical control, although it was required frequently enough in recent time to raise his alarm.

     Rouhem did not have an ounce of fear when he pondered Inferno's supposed family, not even when the house came into view after possibly ten more minutes. 

     His eyes took in the massive home. It had the capacity to house up to fifteen people without discomfort, yet that was assuming if each person received their own room. The windows were dim and impossible to see through. Though he had incredible eyesight, it was unlikely he could ever see past something that solid. 

     It had come to his attention that this was the time to be cautious. He would be lying if he said he did not want Inferno to reach the house first, but he also despised losing with a passion. A creeping thought told him that Inferno was moving at a much more rapid pace than he. 

     He crouched low just in time as a man trailed past. His attire clearly told Rouhem that it was a security guard. He should have known that the pack was paranoid and well-prepared. It was in question on whether he would spank his pixie for forgetting that little detail. 

     A rush of energy flushed out the blood in his veins as the distance began to diminish between the house and his prowling body. 

     The night sky masked his form with shadows, and they latched onto his skin like leeches, as they always naturally did. Being part animal, it was effortless for him to blend in with the darkness. 

     He watched the ground for traps, narrowly missing at least three. This was evidence enough that these people were indeed Inferno's family. 

     There was a thin sheet of sweat against his skin, causing Rouhem to feel slick with heat. It was a discomfort he was used to. Alters could handle extreme temperatures from either sides of the spectrum. It was utilitarian in certain situations which required certain physical endurances. 

     After slow, dragging minutes, he managed to reach a window that he deemed safe to break through. Rouhem assumed that there was also an electronic security system, but as he listened for the low hum of the current, he could not hear it on his chosen entrance. They had clearly made a mistake which he would happily take advantage of. 

     This opening was on the second floor. Without a second thought, he jumped up and caught the brunt of his weight by his fingers. His shoulders and arms burned at the overwhelming mass, yet they held strong all the same. 

     He managed to open the window, but not before footsteps were heard nearby. This motivated his body to squeeze over the high window-seal and into the empty room within the following few seconds. His hands and feet absorbed his entire weight as Rouhem rolled to a crouch. He had the window shut next. 

     His following objective was to figure out which room he was in. 

     At the sight of a white toilet and a simple shower, it was obvious he was in one of many washrooms. The scent of bleach assaulted his sensative nose. Whosever bathroom this was had to have been a neat freak. Nothing needed to be this clean.

     Rouhem waited and utilized his hearing. There was commotion far from his location. He had to guess the group was either in the kitchen or living room. It was around dinner time, so he and Inferno assumed that her family would be sitting for a meal soon. They decided to meet in the dining room. Wherever that was. 

     Moving across the tiled floor, he moved past the sink and mirror, opening the door with the mission to remain silent. He realized that sneaking in a house full of bounty hunters was clearly not going to be a relaxing task. 

     The next room was a bedroom. The neatly made bed and neatly organized room made was more than enough information he needed in order to connect the dots. 

     He felt nearly childish as he snuck past the bedroom and into one of countless hallways. 

     The darkly glossed wood floors were aesthetically pleasing when paired with the hunter green walls. Paintings of nature lined the sides, giving the impression that this family avidly enjoyed the outdoors. 

     He decided to move forward, shifting from hallway to hallway. Descending stairs eventually came to his view. They were spiraling, twisting down into the unknown. He followed the trail, knowing that things could go badly before they went well. 

     When he reached the next floor down, he continued his way. Colors of nature painted every corner. Decor was simple, yet this place felt comfortable. Like a home. He hadn't felt this cozy and tense all at once since he'd departed from his infuriating pixie.

     Room after room, he became closer to the ruckus. All men voices and one single female. This fit Inferno's descritption. Eight brothers. A father and a mother. 

     A man his size should not have been able to remain silent and swift, yet Rouhem knew his presence remained undetected--he doubted it would remain this way for long. Though he was a predator, his blood was particularily gifted, because he was royalty. This meant he dominated most other alters who crossed his path. In other words, most acknowledged his creature as alpha, leader of all others. 

     Scents of grilled meat and spices filled the air. He could taste the steam on his tongue. He struggled to ignore the hunger which returned to his belly. 

     He reached a much larger room and sighed in defeat. The openway revealed a dining room, set with a lengthy, sleek table. Chairs lined both sides with seats of plush red cushions. The scent of the food was as strong as ever as it sat from one end of the table to the next. 

     And at the very head of the table was a lovely pixie woman, one who drove him mad more than anyone else could in this godforsaken universe. One who had clearly won this round. 

     Inferno took a bite out of the bread roll which was clutched in her palm. She mouthed the words: I win. 

     Rouhem scowled at her true declaration and went to join her. 

     It was time for a family reunion. 

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