Chapter 33

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     "Take me to dinner first before you get rough!" Weslyn giggled when the guards threw her in the cell. The floor was hard and cold. There was no bed. Delightful! 

     She rolled onto her back. The ceiling above was made of rocky stone. There was no light, only screaming and shouting from those also imprisoned. 

     It smelled like what the darkest, most vile depths of hell would. It could've been rat piss. It could've been human piss. The point was that it was piss. It could've been bat shit. It could've been human shit. The point was that it was shit. 

     She raised her arms above her head and stretched. "Man, oh man, we are not in Kansas anymore, Gaga. God, I would kill for a bag of pretzels right now." 

     Her head snapped to the side when she heard a voice. It was low and curious. "You new here?" Weslyn knew it had to be a young woman, though her voice was very deep and raspy. Her question was silly and quite hilarious. 

     Weslyn laughed. "You were invited to the party too?" and here she thought she was special. "I hope you brought pretzels! Maybe some frosting too?" She got up and leaned against the wall. "You killed someone too, little ham?" she banged her arms against the wall, cutting them up in the process. "What did you do? What did you do, little ham?" 

     "Great, I was hoping for someone sane this time," the woman's voice was faint and disappointed. "Maybe next time." 

     "Next time bring pretzels!" Weslyn shouted, "who did you kill, little ham?! You are a killer! You did a bad thing!" She plopped on the ground, observing the trails of crimson fallimg down her forearms. How lovely. 

     "You are a killer," she whispered with a smile, "you did a bad thing." 


     Her attention was snagged away from Rouhem. "He didn't say a word," Micah revealed himself from the small crowd of people, "they took one look at your body when Stitches and I were treating you, and they put the pieces together. You had to have known that the truth would eventually reveal itself?" 

     "Give me a name," Ira snarled. His face was streaked with red fury. "Give me a name and I will kill whatever son-of-a-bitch did this to you!" 

     Inferno couldn't stop her laugh. "You can't punish a dead man. I don't need any more justice. He suffered-" 

     "Not enough," Terrance ground out. He, like the rest of her siblings, was drowning in a mad rage. She couldn't understand the concern on her behalf. How could they care so much?

     "Of course not," she crossed her arms over her chest, "but Zyhed needed to die before he hurt anyone else-" 

     "King Zyhed?" It was Kittrix who spoke up. His cheeks were flushed, and Inferno realized that he too had lost someone. 

     She fidgeted at sharing so much information. They were no danger to her, so why was she so reuctant to share? "Yes, why?" 

     A light bulb went off over Kittix's head. His eyes brightened with astonishment. "I know you! You are the pixie, the one who protected Annika, queen of the skies, when she battled against the mad king Zyhed. I can't believe I missed it before!" 

     Inferno gazed around to find appalled eyes set on her. "What?" 

     Jameson stepped forward. She was shocked by his words and what they meant to her. "You are a hero to all pixie kind alike. I can't believe my daughter is so accomplished. I am so proud-" 

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