Chapter 3

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     He was in deep shit. And he didn't even know it until it was too late. Commitment was still commitment no matter what angle it was analyzed from.

     The moment he looked into her eyes and saw the desperation which seemed to be eating her alive, he knew he could not walk away if he tried. The sheild which she kept so tightly over her emotions was slipping and cracking. Rouhem realized that is what happened to those who were dying. 

     The idea of Inferno dead left an emptiness in his chest. It was painful and something he knew could not be coped with. It was a strange idea. Someone so alive as a cold and lifeless shell. It could not be possible. And maybe that was what partially motivated Rouhem to find her. The pixie who could kick his ass with a hand tied behind her back should not be beaten so easily. 

     It was true, what he thought he could explain away. There was no more denying what was happening, what would eventually happen. If they did nothing, she would die sooner than later. 

     And damn it all to hell, but he cared. He shouldn't, but he did. She made him feel responsible with her quick-witted responses and fiery personality. Anyone who dare challenge Rouhem was a person worthy of living a full life, well, he tended to apply that kind of thinking to the pixie only. 

     "Mind telling we why you were playing 'Stripper for a Day'?" Rouhem questioned from his seating on the ground. He grinned at how his servants back home would be absolutely horrified at the sight of their prince settled on a rough hotel floor. 

    "Don't be an asshole... We prefer to be called 'Cage Dancers'!" she yelled from the bathroom. Rouhem was once again reminded of the state he initially found the pixie in. A dancer she was indeed. 

     "And I would love it of you called me d-" he was cut off by a placid Inferno. 

     "Finish that sentence. Go ahead. Make my day, Rouhem." He could picture her elegant hands pulling out her gun of choice, readying herself to but him back in his place. The thought left his blood boiling with need. 

     "Darling. I was gonna say, 'darling' you creep." 

     "And I am the creep." She muttered as she exited the bathroom, "To answer your question, Your Ugliness, I was paying off my debt. Can you guess the only kind of payment Jimmy would accept? Not that he could force me to do anything I don't want to." 

     Rouhem struggled to keep his mouth from gaping open. A grey t-shirt was snug around her chest, outlining her round breasts which were freed from a bra. Her toned thighs and waist were also wrapped in black shorts. An undenying lust raced in his body, arousing wicked thoughts. All positions that would most likely disgust Inferno. He was annoyed with himself for being unable to control the direction of his desire. 

     "Earth to idiot!" her voice barged past the dense cloud of craving that encircled his head. His eyes met her blazing orange. 

     He faked his nonchalance, though he felt like he had been caught in the middle of a crime. "What debt?"

    She sat on the bed, crossing her legs. Her gaze was narrowed, shooting daggers his way. It was meant to be threatening, but he found it to be attractive on her. "I was fishing for some information, and he had it." Her features tensed more so, though it was not in reaction to Rouhem. 

     "What information?" 

     She grabbed a white, plump pillow and wrapped her arms around it, clutching it close to her chest. "A location of some people I am hoping can tell me something useful. Maybe they know of some... Cure."

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