Author's Note

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For the OG Glorious Flame readers, thank you for being so patient. This book has taken so much out of me to complete, but in a good way. I was challenged as a writer to make something completely different than anything I have ever created.

     I'm going to be honest, Inferno and Rouhem will always have a special place in my heart. Their relationship is strange but it's healthy (not perfect), and we need to see more of it being displayed across Wattpad.

     I just want to take a moment to appreciate the platform you guys have given me. I would have never believed that I would get the attention that I am today. Believe it or not, I'm still in disbelief that this isn't a dream. Thank you so much for reading along with me and watching these stories unfold, even if I take sporadic and long breaks. I really hope I can continue to entertain you guys with the many, many more stories I have planned out.

     I also wanted to give a life update. While in this pandemic, I do have a full schedule (school, work, clubs, workouts, etc.). This does not mean that I am not writing anymore, but I really need your understanding, which I already know I have, because you guys are the best.

Questions for ya'll:

What did you guys think of the story and the ending? Was it was you expected? Was there any detail that you thought was different from any of my other stories?

What future stories were you hoping to see from me (characters/book ideas)?

Questions you may have for me:

When will I publish my next story?
It may not be till next year, but depending on how much writing I get done, I may publish sooner (let's me honest here, I'm probably going to update sooner than that).

What stories am I working on?
As of right now, I am actively working on the sequel to 'a thousand instincts' as well as stories for Soren's brothers Matteo and Tynan. Knowing me, though, there's always some new idea trying to take all of my attention.

If you have any more questions for me please go ahead and comment, I love speaking with you guys!

Anyway, I'm just so happy that Inferno finally got her story! 

Stay Sexy,

Black Lives Matter.

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