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[ Him ; Her  ; Narration ]

Sunday, 3:23 pm

< Emma >


I am not able to call you this entire week because I'm going on vacation in the woods without signal. Talk to you again on Saturday!
read 3:34 pm


calling : kayden
Sunday, 3:35 pm


"Hola señorita."

"You're leaving for an entire week?"

"Pepper Yeppers, camisa. Are you sad?"

"Nope, not even the slightest. And you do realize that camisa means shirt in Spanish right?"

"I thought it meant baby."

"Well, you're wrong."

"Emma, look, I have to leave now."

Emma's voice was laced with an insufficient amount of sadness even though she tried her best not to let it surface.

"Alright. I'll see you in a week."

"Buh-bye camisa! ALSO HAPPY FOURTH OF J-LO!"

"First of all, camisa means shirt for the second god damn time and it's July."



[ author's note ]

sorry homo sapiens, aliens, unicorns, procrastinators, pineapples, macaronis, apples, pears, bananas, and genies for the small chapter but after all, it's a short story amirite or amirite? ;)

the chapter was kinda boring but i promise you there is action packed in the next.... or so it seems.

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