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[ Him ; Her ; Narration ]

Thursday, 10:34 pm

calling : emma



"Woah, are you crying?"

"No. I'm weeping."

"Isn't that the same thing as crying?"

"No, it's a different word."

"What happened?"

"It's my dad's death anniversary today."

"July 22nd?"


"How? How did he die?"

"He sacrificed his life to save a child's life."



"I bet he was a role model."

"He was and still is."

"You seemed cheery earlier."

"Truth be told, I was actually thinking about you. It took my mind off of my dad for a few hours."

"Aw, I knew you love me."

"I was just picturing what you would look like, that's all."

"I'm sexier than a Greek God."

"You and your nar- I mean self-confidence."

"You got that right."



"My mom hasn't recovered from his death yet. She's still hurting."

"I found the article online of your dad. It was dated three years back."

"He died three years ago."

"Can I be honest with you?"


"My dad left us on July 22, five years ago to carry on a life with my mother's step-sister."

"Holy shit."

"My mother was heartbroken. My step-aunt and her were really close. That day, she lost both her beloved yet not so beloved sister and the love of her life. She started doing drugs and started to drink, unbothered with the fact that she still had two nine-year-olds and a 13-year-old. When she used up all the money we had for drugs, she craved more. In comes my step-father and his drug-dealing business. He took interest in my mother and they married about two weeks later. Shortly after a year, he got tired of her and killed her."

"Oh my god, Kayden..."

"He threatened me with the life of Ivory and Landon and made me do his dirty work. Here I am, fucked up and still at his service."

"Why didn't you call the cops?"

"Bullshit. If the cops come in their loud ass wailing sirens, Jared would already know I called and Ivory and Landon's life will be on the line."

"That's true." They always have their sirens on."

"Exactly, people in China could probably hear them."

 "I can relate. A police car had a their siren on and ruined my nap one time."

"Who the heck take naps."

"I nap sometimes. But, anyway I have to go, I have to get up super early tomorrow."



[ author's note ]

i made character aesthetics for emma and kayden so if you guys want to check it out, it's in the first ever chapter, intro and cast!

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