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kayden | emma


The alarm clock made its usual strangling noise which always wakes Emma up. She let out a groan as she rolls over and smacks the clock until the noise died.

"Who goes on a date at 7 in the morning?" She groans as she sits up and rubs her eyes. Without wasting a second, she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, wash her face, and comb her hair, then putting it into a high ponytail.

When she walked into her closet, she saw Kayden already dressed, sitting on her light pink love seat. 

"Hello, baby girl, aren't you early for our 7 o'clock date." He says sarcastically.

"It's 6:50, take a chill pill."

"It's 6:51 to be exact."

"Whatever," Emma replies before digging through her closet. She puts on white jean shorts and tucked the front of her turquoise T-shirt into her pants. She grabbed her white purse and her Adidas before twirling in front of Kayden.

"I'M DONEEEEE." She cheers. 

"Let's go," Kayden said before taking her small hands in his. 

* * *

Ten minutes later, they were walking down the somewhat quiet streets of Beverly Hills to catch the bus. 

"So where are we going?" Emma asks while swinging their winded hands back and forth.

"We're going to a lake. Requires some hiking." Kayden said.

"Are we going to go swimming?"


She stops. "I didn't bring a bathing suit?"

"I'm just kidding. We're not going swimming. Even if we were, you can always go swimming in your undergarments." He says as he smirks.

"Perverted pedophile alert. Abort the streets."

He chuckles lightly. We arrive at the bus stop just on time as the bus pulls up. Kayden threw two tokens in before we take a seat on the nearly empty bus.

"How long is the bus ride there?"

"Twenty minutes."

"Can I sleep then. I'm very tired." 

"Sure, I'll call you up when we get there."

Emma put her head on his shoulders before slowly falling asleep with their hands still latched together.

* * *

"Emma wake up." Kayden whisper-shouts in her ear as he shakes her lightly.

"Are we here?" She asks confused when she wakes up.

"Yeah. Let's go." Kayden said. They both got off and stood before a park.

"We're at a park, Kayden."

"I know. Walk this way." Kayden instructed as he pulls her through a gap between the thick trees.

"Ouch." She mutters when a branch decided to poke her in the arm.

"You okay?" 

"Doing just Gucci."

When they come to a cleared path, they hike up the stone pavement for a good 15 minutes, making small talks and conversations in between.

When they reach there, the water sparkled with the sunlight shining through the trees and vines. It was absolutely majestic and stunning.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Emma stares amazed as she took in everything around her.

"Our family used to live in LA. My dad, my mom, Ivory and Landon, and I. We would come here for picnics often." Kayden says, his playful tone slipping away in replace of a sad one. "I never came again since my parent's divorce."

"Thank you for showing me this place. It's beautiful."

"Just like you." He says with his playful tone back.

"Aw, thank you, Dipsy."

"Back at it with the Teletubbies nicknames?"

"Yepper checkers, Dr. Peppers."

Their hands unlatch as Emma spread her arms out and take in the cool air. 

"I could get used to a place like this." 

"Come on, help set up our breakfast picnic," Kayden said as he put the black bag on the floor. He takes out the blanket and spreads it and put the two wrapped PB&J sandwiches and two bottles of orange juice.

They both sat down side by side on the blanket and unwrapped their sandwich.

"It feels nice to have someone eat meals with me."

"You eat alone?"

"My mother is busy all the time. My friends are on vacation for the summer. Yes, I eat alone."

"You can always come eat with me. Ivory and Hunter talks to me over FaceTime when I eat."

"They have your new number?"

"I gave it to them before they left."

"Well, remind me to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow with you. My mom's on a business trip so eating alone at the dining room table is seriously boring. Not that I'm not used to it but it's always nice to have some company."

"I know. I'm a great company."

"Your self-confidence takes up about 95% of your ego."

He laughs as we both finish the sandwich while gulping down their orange juice. 

"Throw trash into the bag. We'll take it out later when we leave."

"I don't know how you will fit in the bag though?"

"What do you-" Kayden realizes what she meant before giving her a sly grin. 

Emma stands up, leaving her purse on the blanket, giggling as she sees Kayden's sly grin. 

She took off when Kayden stood up and started to run after her. After running around in circles, Kayden finally caught her in his arms. "Caught you." He whispers into her ears, sending chills down her spine.

"Slow-poke." She mutters.

He spins her around so now that she's facing him. "I'm not a slowpoke. I was just trying to save you from embarrassment for catching on to you in such a short amount of time."

"Excuses, excuses." 

"That's not an excuse." He pouts.

"You're so cute when you do that." She whispers as she pinches both of his cheeks.

"I'm always cute." He replies, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

Their faces were mere centimeters apart. Emma made a bold move and stood on her tippy-toes and kiss his lips. Her hands left his cheeks as she snakes them around his neck.

author's note

hello pals. i hope you guys like this chapter. also, sorry for slower updates. ive been catching up on my procrastinated work since school starts in 5 days. 

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