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The police called. 

Jared and his gang were arrested. 

School started.

Emma and Kayden avoided each other like the plague even though Kayden was apart of her friend group now.

Thanks a lot to Hunter.

The only time they talked was when Kayden explained to her, he didn't need her to keep his secret as he didn't need an identity anymore.

She merely nodded at him and left.

Winter break arrives.

Hunter, Owen, Clair, Kendall, Lauren, Carter and Emma is planning their trip down to their cabin house near the lake. 

Hunter invites Kayden.

He declined, but Hunter protested against his answer until he gave in.

author's note

this was a short, choppy, cringey as hell, filler chapter. i'm coming back to re-edit this so please bare with me. 

my edited version of this will be much better but i'm not going to start editing this book yet because i want to complete it first.

you get me?




see ya.

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