
405 24 38

Emma Harper

"Okay, so here's the plan for tomorrow. Kendall, Lauren, Claire, Owen and I will sit in one car, and you, Kayden, and the twins can take the other." Hunter says.

"Maybe you can ride with Kayden and I'll ride with Lauren and them." I say nervously, ignoring Kayden who is staring at me.

"Too bad, we've already decided. So pack up everyone! We're going on a trip tomorrow." Hunter cheers.

Ivory rolls her eyes. "Why does he sound like fucking Dora?" She mutters.

"I heard that." Hunter says glaring at her.

"I don't give a flying shit." She snarls.

Apparently these two despise each other because of a harmless prank Hunter did on her.

Whoopsies Hunter.

"EEEEEK! OWEN!" Clair squeals when Owen tackles her and press a kiss against her lips which she gladly returns.

I look away with a pained expression but quickly cover it up with a more dynamic one.

"I'm going to go home and start backing. Bye pals!" I say quickly and left.

As soon as I got into my car, I didn't bother hiding my tears.

I still love him. I never stopped loving him over these last few months.

I wanted to get close to him again and forgive him but I didn't want to hurt my ego.

I wanted to make regular conversations with him but couldn't bring myself to it.

I wanted to ask him how the fuck did he receive all the bruises and cuts he try covering up with Ivory's horrible makeup skills.

I wanted to be there for him.

I let out a sob before starting the engine.

❁ ❁ ❁

By the time I reach my house, the tears were dried against my cheeks.

After making sure I look like I wasn't crying, I close down the engine and walk into the house quickly, holding my jacket against my chest.

"Honey, you're back!" My mom says.

She's been home a lot these days. The normal bags under her eyes were gone and her tired eyes once before was replaced with excited and lively ones.

My mom surprisingly didn't have a lot of wrinkles at age 42. In fact, she looks much younger for her age, with her brown hair, beautiful skin and brown eyes, she looks like she was too young to be 42.

"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna go pack for our trip tomorrow." I said. "I'll be back for Christmas mom, don't worry. By the way, is Ashton coming home for Christmas?"

"Yeah, he'll be home tomorrow and will stay until his second semester starts." My mom says with a smile. "Now go start packing."

I flash her a smile before heading to my room.

Author's Sad Note

Sorry pals for not updating in a long darn time. Not really but yeah. I needed time to balance my life out and yeah.

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