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Thursday, 10:45 pm

calling : kayden


"Hey- are you crying? And please don't say you're weeping."

"I'm sobbing."

"What happen sweet cheeks?"

"I don't know. I just feel like crying."

"Let it out. Releasing your emotions is better than clogging it inside."

"Wow Dipsy, didn't know you were a part time therapist."

"I have many undiscovered talents, Po."

"Po reminds me of poop."

"Dipsy reminds me of a di-"

"Don't even."

"You're so dirty minded, I meant dictionary."

"Sure you did."

"I'm not dirty-minded like you."

"I think it's the other way around."

"Says the one that watched Fifty Shades of Grey."

"You don't have to bring that up."

"I'm tired."

"I'm tired too."



Wednesday, 5:56 am

"Holy shit, this is still on."

"Indeed it is. You snore like a pig."

"I don't snore."

"I was kidding. Geez Po, why do you get so triggered."

"I know you were kidding because I know I don't snore."

"How do you know you don't snore."

"Hunter video taped me sleeping for three days straight without me knowing. Then we watched it together on fast forward 10x."

"That's creepy as fuck."

"No shit."

"Well anyways, why are you up this early anyways?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know anything, baby doll."

"First sweet cheeks, next is Po, now is baby doll. What else do you have?"

"My girlfriend."

"That was pretty smooth I must admit but that's not happening anytime soon."

"I'm just smooth like that."

"You're ego is too large too handle."

"That's not the only thing that is too large to handle."

"You need some milk."

"Was it bad I took that sexually."

"Yes, now go bathe in holy water."

"I don't like to bathe."


"Did you just say sigh out loud?"




author's note

peep this horrible chapter because I wrote this at 2:30 am in the morning while listening to music and trying not to not fall asleep.

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