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Kayden's Point of View

After waiting for about 20 minutes, I realized Emma should've have come back much earlier.

Hurriedly I went to check the bathroom, the females in there screaming in anger as I kick the door open in all the open stalls.

After an hour of searching and 45 calls to Emma, I can now announce that she is either kidnapped, dead, murdered, or lost and has no cell phone service.

Right when I was about to head back to Emma's mansion, I got a text message. 

'Come and get her, lover boy.' - Jared

"Fuck you Jared." Kayden seethes out.

'What do you want.' -Kayden

'Come to the address I'm gonna give you.' -Jared

'Give me the address.' -Kayden


a/n : sorry this is such a bad chapter and it took so long for me to update. i just got back to school and is still getting adjusted to the school life and getting prepared and etc. again sorry. 

and also, THANKS FOR over 8K guys! wow, i didn't realize my book would get this far with over 500 votes! wowzers! thank you guys so so much. i love you all <3

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