Chapter 6.

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Hope's P.O.V.

Do you know that feeling when you have closet full of clothes and you don't know what to wear?

I know that feeling. And let me tell you it's fucking frustrating. And to top that I'm late for school. I think it's like third period or lunch. Yeah I over slept. I didn't sleep at all last night. You know why? Because stupid Hayden and his gang and race reminded me of him. I cried all night and watched videos of me and him. I didn't cry because of him like a whole month. And last night reminded me of him, so I put down my walls and cried like little coward. He always told me that crying shows that person is weak. Well fuck it then. I'm weak.

And to top that all I have huge bangs under my eyes and my eyes are puffy and red from crying. Let's just say I look like hell.

I picked up my black skinny jeans, grey tank top, grey sneakers and my Ray bans. I washed my teeth and put my hair in messy ponytail. I really should eat something but I'm not hungry. I just want to go to my bed and cry. But I can't

I'm not gonna be that weak girl. I'm gonna suck it up and continue living my fucked up life.

I walk to the lunchroom. Yeah it's already lunch time. Eh like I care. For the first time I didn't attracted a lot of attention. Good. Well until my moron friend Jake decided to yelled "Hope! Come here!" yeah that attracted attention. I'm gonna kill him. I walk to them and sat in my seat. Looking up at them, I saw everybody was here. Hayden, Jake, Chace and Emma.

"What?" I barked at Jake.

"What got into your panties and died?" asked Emma.

"Nothing." I said and look at my phone thinking should I or shouldn't I just call them. I promised to call every week and I really need to talk to someone.

"HOPE!" Emma yelled at me. I look at her and she seems annoyed and confused.

"Yeah..." I just realized I ignored them. Uh-oh.

"What is up with you. You're quite and you seem frustrated."

"Oh.. I'm just not in the mood to talk or anything.." I trailed of.

"Okay." said Emma. I could tell she is suspicious and wants to ask me what is it, but she doesn't want to annoy me with questions. Good. I think I would just punch them all in the face and walk away. "well, gotta go. I need to talk to Mr. Summers. See ya later." Emma said and walk out of the lunchroom.

"So..." Jake said. "you will tell us what's up?"

"Just drop it Jake. She doesn't want to talk about it." Chace said. Yeah Chace said. It's first time I heard him talking. Ever. He is always quite and doesn't say anything. I was really surprised.

"Yeah..." I said still shocked that Chace talked.

"Why weren't you in the class this morning?" Hayden asked

"What is up with you people and all the questions?" I ask annoyed. They ignored me and Jake asked "Do you want to hang out with the gang after school or we could go now?"

"I can't, maybe next time." I said "I'm just gonna go home I'm not in the mood for school and nosy people." I said and glared at Hayden and Jake.

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