Chapter 15.

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Hope P.O.V.

"So, are you having sex with Hayden?" Emma asked me.
"No, we just kiss and yeah.." I said.

"So no sex?"

"Nope." I said popping p.

"Well good, he would just break your heart." Emma mumbled, I looked at her like she's crazy, than I started laughing. I probably look like retard laughing in the middle of the class.

"Miss. Andersons!"
"Oh sorry, sorry." I said wiping off my tears and trying to breath normal.

"What?" Emma mumbled next to me.

"It's just you think he would break my heart? Dude it's more possible for me to break his face not he my heart." I said.
"Sure." Emma rolled her eyes. "that is h-" Bring! AND SAVED BY THE BELL!!

"Let's go, one more class!" I said walking to my new class, I hear moaning, looking at the person who's moaning, I saw Hayden and Ashley making out. I saw red, who the fuck does he think he is? One day kissing me and other Ashley, fucking Ashley! No I'm not jealous I'm fucking pissed at him for not having respect for me! If he can do it, so can I!

I'm Hope Andersons, I have every guy on his knees begging me for just a look, that sounds cocky, but it's true. I smirk and continue walking.


Sexy dress. Check.
Black pumps. Check.
Messy hair, Check.
Smirk, Check!
And I'm finally ready! Do you know what day today is? Yes it's Wednesday, but also it's revenge day, Also known as showing-Hayden-what-he-lost. I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Hayden, when I say Hayden I mean making out with Hayden.

Getting out of my Audi R8 never felt so awesome. Imagine this, white Audi R8 came in high school parking lot, everybody looking at it, and than comes out hot girl-not to brag or anything- in sexy dress, boys jaw drop, so does girls. I smirk at the crowd looking at me. Boys are checking me out, I think I saw some girls did it too, I wink at the group of boys who whistled at me, I sway my hips while walking in the school.

"Hope!" I hear someone shout. Emma came in front of me with mouth open. "girl, I want you in my bed tonight!" Emma yelled.

"What about right now." I said grabbing her hip. Emma smirked at me and kiss me. Just to be clear I'm not lesbian or anything, we are just joking around. We broke apart, I look around and saw everybody with their mouth open and wide eyes, I look back at Emma and we started laughing.

"That was the sexiest thing I every saw!" some guy said, while covering the tent in his pants, I smirk at him.

"Maybe I can show you some other sexy things later." I said. Guy quickly nodded.
"C'mon you little slut." Emma dragged me into the school.

15 minutes late for class. Check
Sexiness, Check.

Big entrance, just about to do it.

I kick the door of the classroom open, and walked swaying my hips into the classrooms. Everybody stopped what they were doing and look at me.

"Morning." I said cheerfully. I look at the Hayden and saw him checking me out and smirking. I wink at him.

"Miss. Andersons! Why are you late?" I just shrugged and sat in my seat, next to The Devil. He put his hand on my tight, I smirk at myself and remove his hand. He look at me and raised an eyebrow. I smirk at him and continue listening to the teacher.

After couples of minutes I felt Hayden's hand my tight again, I remove his hand and put my hand on his dick, I rub it slowly, and look at that he's hard, I smirk at Hayden and remove my hand.

"Mrs. Smith, can I go to the nurse, I'm not felling well?" I asked.
"Of course." she replied. I walked out of the classroom with a smirk on my face.
"You should be careful baby girl.." somebody whispered in my ear. I smirked and turn around.
"Why?" I innocently asked Hayden.
"Cuz you will be punished."
"What if I want to be punished.." I trailed off, running my hand on his chest. He growled. He tried to kiss me but I turn my head so he kissed my check.

"What the.." he mumbled.

"Not anymore" I said and walked away leaving him confused just as bell rang.

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